
The prejudice is strong with this one.

Agreed. It's simply astounding that they didn't even ask him. The one thing that was so special and iconic about the original film was the music.

Your welcome. The english speaking version / remake is now in the works (naturally). But I am certain it won't be as good as the original. It just can't be. BTW, I read two separate screenplays for WWZ that were never made. They were both far superior to what made it to the screen. I kept thinking while reading them

Rick on his knees. Bad guy behind him about to do harm. The end is near. Rick: "I'm going to kill you". When…Bam! Here comes Carol and the calvary to rescue! It was almost the same scene from when he & his group were about to be slaughtered at terminus. But instead of walkers, this time it's a Tiger! Talk about lazy

I came so close to posting this last night! I recently saw "Train to Busan" and I had not heard or read much about it at all before seeing it. This movie is spectacular. It's what WWZ should have been. My hat is off to the writers & director (mostly the director) of this movie. It isn't often that I am that surprised

So true. It's the directors job to make sure the viewer knows where they are and what is going on in the scenes. This was filmed & staged just so haphazardly that all that was missing was the shaky cam. It was awful.

So…Rick stole guns from a bunch of women who were not a threat and gave them to people who he barely knows, live in garbage and then immediately turn on him at the worst possible moment. Now that's judgement by golly.

Memo to writers: Stop with the 'sand' dialogue. It didn't work for Anakin and it sure wasn't gonna work for Abraham. Ugh. And let the war begin!…In season 9.

That would be pretty funny if all of a sudden, they all started speaking with British accents. And everyone else just acted normal..like no big deal.

Deanna & her husband worked in DC. There were several scenes about this as well. Alexandria was always Alexandria VA..

That would have cost extra.

Remember that one guy who thought Rick's plan to release the pit zombies was a terrible idea? Then his character came over to rick's side with.. "I'm sorry Rick! You were right! This is working!" followed immediately by a zombie sneaking up on him, biting him, followed quickly by Rick shooting him right in the head.

Let's talk about that later. But first, can you help me release thousands of zombies out of a sand pit so we can can guide them on a parade through the countryside?

Yep. The've become the walking dicks.

Ever see the film? It's not bad either.

So Legendary wants a fight between Godzilla & Kong. Godzilla takes place in modern day yet this 'Kong' takes place in 1973. It was awfully nice of Kong to just hang around around the island until he is needed again fifty or so years later.

Take out.

They are officially known as "The Tetanus Shot People".

lol :)

Because the writers & producers don't care anymore. People will show up regardless of quality.