
This is only the 3rd test they’ve publicly awknowledged...plus the US has successfully been tatically eliminating orbital and suborbital objects for over decade.

Isn’t this whole thing kinda silly then? I mean we only hear about the tech they want us to hear about, the US govt. kept entire programmes like stealth fighters and bombers secret for at least a decade. I sincerely hope we have developed and implemented a top secret anti-ICBM system or I will be severely disappointed

Wow. I did Nazi that coming.

HA, yes, serves all those vindictive douche fucks right. I can’t wait to see them all try and remember how to reassemble their cars now. I hope they’ve already sold off tons of parts and get stuck with a lemon they can’t get rid of. Serves those greedy, vindictive jerks right.

Sadly there are not enough stars for me to give this.

Damn. He must be a pro level boozer to be that coherent at .28. For me, that qualifies as “furniture breaking drunk” as that level causes me to have issues with the whole gravity thing and I am not a small man.

Great. First there was drunk, and now super drunk. Next there will be hyper drunk, e-drunk, and finally autonomous drunk. When does it end?!?

“If he is smart”

I am not confusing the production of CO2 with NOx. Both are pollutants. Both have short term and long term effects. 40 x (nearly) 0 is still nearly 0. Don’t confuse the penalty of law with what’s best for the environment. If the protecting the environment was the sole purpose of the buyback, then it’s

1) Joe is a big enough asshole, that he found a way to make people feel sympathy for VW

VW is the world’s biggest automaker- this ordeal is going to cost them tens of billions of dollars but it’s not going to bring them to bankruptcy.

He fucked himself by acting in bad faith and attempting to defraud VW.

Because fraud. He’s not Robin Hood, he’s a scavenger who thought he’d outsmarted the system.

They’re doing exactly what I would do. Deny/postpone his buyback to discourage others from doing the same thing.. then drag it out to maintain the fear and anxiety as long as possible. Think the next guy is gonna be willing to strip his car before the buyback? I know I wouldn’t be gambling with $10-20k.

He fucked himself by bragging before the fact.

I think this unfolding scenario stems from Jalopnik running the article. Kinda spoiled it for him.

As I said yesterday, as an attorney I love idiots like Joe. A car salesman that “has read the documents and knows what the settlement says.”

Absolute best thing for business.


zero sympathy. zero. like kelvin zero.