
You do realize amazon prime is for free 2 day shipping on all prime eligible merchandise sold on amazon first and for streaming content second, right? I would get a prime membership to watch this show, but I’m betting that for the majority of prime members it is a nice side bonus.

LOL, this is all I could think of durring that sentence.

No kidding. I call that “Saturday”.

“your opinion is worth exactly what you paid for content on this site. Fucking nothing.”

A classic case of “you get what you paid for”. Free website littered with nonsense. Why people take a Gawker related website as a relevant source of any kind is beyond me.

“Marginalizing half your readerbase is not a good business model.”

You are making a mistake of assuming they know what a good business model is. After all Gawker ended up in court and bankruptcy consequently.

I’ve been around for quite some time, and can remember when the vitriol was contained to sister sites. I remember when Jalopnik was politics free.

As a Canadian I would like to throw my 2 cents in and say the anti-trump rhetoric is getting real tired on items that dont call for a political spin.

Michael, not many people are happy about Trump being the next President but please keep your personal views out off the site. We come here to escape the real world and talk shit about Mustangs.

The extreme political editorializing on this site is getting old quickly. This may be news to you, but 47% of the country sees things differently than you. Marginalizing half your readerbase is not a good business model.

Allegedly the fastest car in the world is car referred to as “My Buddy’s Mustang”. I hear about it at every car show but have yet to lay eyes on it.

And yet, Progressives across the nation are still dumbfounded as to why they lost... you Sparky, you and that attitude. Go look in the mirror, or better yet, dont, keep it up and relegate the left to minority party status for the rest of your life

Your party just lost an election to the worst candidate this country has ever seen - it might not be a bad idea to try some introspection and reaching out to the other side instead of condescending dismissal.

Thank you for being a shining example of how to cut one’s nose off to spite one’s face! This is a major problem among progressives, they tend to look for ideological purity everywhere and if valuable information comes from a source that is potentially ideologically impure, it’s rejected out of hand. Rejecting this

That attitude? That snarky snap judgment you just goosed up there on response to thoughtful and, frankly, good, practical advice? Based on nothing other than the writer’s previous previous fucking employer?

I think this was the woman who was interviewed by This American Life in their last episode. Don’t dismiss her, she had a lot of very smart things to say and everything she said about how congress works is absolutely correct.

Toyota: “Wow the Amazon team working on the Grand Tour actually want to use the Prius for promotions! Awesome! Give them like 10! We’re so glad the boys changed their minds on these! Everyone loves em!”

Though I don’t quite understand how Fiat Chrysler is American these days...

Dude look at these fuckin clowns and the way they replied to you. “Careful, that door swings back fast”. “No one cares about your feelings”.

If that’s the case, what is the comment section for, expressing feelings of people other than myself?