jack the ripper

Good for him. That’s all I’ve got. Everybody deserves a good day every once in a while.


Oh thank God. I was fucking dying to know.

I'd hit that. Or that. Or that.

NBA fashion has officially become a series of gargantuan-sized individuals trying their damnedest, for whatever reason, to look worse than their nearest competitor. Using my awesome psychic abilities, in the near future Westbrook and D-Wade will show up to a game in special edition Air Jordan high heels and hair

Just a little background on this guy, Deadspin. This man is designer Waraire Boswell.

When it comes to pretend glasses, will these ever be topped?

The things you find at Drake's yard sale.

This should finally dispel the notion that he tends to fade into the background in big moments.

Anyone tired of the pretend glasses trend? Now that I got that out of the way I think that the top two picks are both awesome and I look forward to seeing one of them waste their time in Cleveland before they leave.

I can only assume you're tolling, or your post is homework for your first debate class.

If it is the former, you're a toolbag. If it is the latter, Might I suggest this:

You do not need permission to videotape someone in public. That is why it is called public not private.

Excuse me, but no.

if you don't want it photographed, DON'T TAKE IT OUT IN PUBLIC. It's as simple as that, and as simple as this: You're wrong, and the courts agree that you're wrong.

I get what you're saying, but so sayeth the Wiki...