jack the ripper

Do you consider Stalinist Russia to be fascist? Mao’s China? Mugabe’s Zimbabwe?

“a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”

Yep. The Nazis especially found the way America had defined citizenship in a way that excluded Native Americans despite the fact that they were born in the territory of the USA. It served as a model for how to legally define German Jews as resident non-citizens and thereby deprive them of their civil rights.

Fascist Federation vs Communist Bugs.  awesome

Wisecrack argues, interestingly, that Starship Troopers isn’t a straightforward satire, even if it’s intended as one, and nor is it a movie that accidentally glorifies fascism. Instead, it’s somewhere in the middle, exploring a fascist state of mind in a way that’s sometimes celebratory, sometimes mocking, and always

Both the book and the movie lack a lot of the things that are fundamental to fascism. Like you said, there’s no violent suppression of internal dissent. From what I’ve read, fascist states are most concerned with reshaping their domestic societies, and scapegoating internal enemies is at least as big a part of that

Not to be a dickbag, but I explicitly asked about the book. IMO the only thing Verhoven’s movie satirized was America’s love of tits, ass, and violence.  Folks love to get deep so much they forget simple shit like that.

So I’ve had a problem for a while with folks who seem more intelligent than myself decrying the so-called fascism of Starship Troopers (book).

If Diana Meyer and Denise Richards were the face and bodies of fascism....sign me up.   


Sure why not, let’s pretend “fascist” doesn’t actually mean anything and can be equally applied to any political ideology. Just throw away your dictionaries people! Everything means anything!

I think your view of fascism is too narrow. You are focusing on the alt right when you have fascists within all angles of the political spectrum. Left, right and center. Progressivism isn’t juxtaposed to fascism by definition. Any lean toward ideological hegemony is a step in that direction. 

if you think Starship Troopers is multi-layered (um...lol?) you need to explore Joe Haldemans early 70's novel “The Forever War”. It will blow your mind! He explores such thorny topics as sexism, homophobia, racism, genocide, pointless endless wars, time dilation in space travel (and its effects on human relations),

While I admit to not having read his letters, I’ve read Stranger in a Strange Land, I’ve read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, which does for anarchy what Starship Troopers did for fascism. His books are challenging, thought-provoking, and actively ask the readers to engage with ideas that he clearly knows they’ll

Actually, most (all?) teams do have sports psychologists on the payroll either directly or contracted out. And every Player’s Association has plenty of services available as well.

When the Pats traded for Gordon I made some flippant remark about him not needing substances anymore because being a Patriot is mind-numbing in and of itself.

The problem is that the NFL and head offices view players as assets, not human beings.

Addiction.  Not about the substance.  You’ve got much to learn.

Inability to abstain from a behavior even though he knew there would be bad consequences and that he was being watched for that specific behavior? I’d say that qualifies as addiction no matter what behavior we are talking about.