
That was my favorite line. tranq gun. and Luther Vandross Wilson

I think Ritter really sells it. The role could have gone to a worse actor, and it would come off as "Oh ok, someone wrote those lines thinking they'd be funny, and that lady just said them with her mouth." Instead, I'm buyin it.

I think Ritter really sells it. The role could have gone to a worse actor, and it would come off as "Oh ok, someone wrote those lines thinking they'd be funny, and that lady just said them with her mouth." Instead, I'm buyin it.



maybe one-and-a-half?, like a half a movie's worth in each one?

maybe one-and-a-half?, like a half a movie's worth in each one?

So this time, say "I'ma go powder my nose," and he goes to find the seats or get you some sno-caps, or something.

So this time, say "I'ma go powder my nose," and he goes to find the seats or get you some sno-caps, or something.

I think I'll just go back and watch barbarella again, thank you. Tittays!

I think I'll just go back and watch barbarella again, thank you. Tittays!

"Why this whole state, right here, was built with our timber and hazelnuts! You people would be nowhere without us!"

"Why this whole state, right here, was built with our timber and hazelnuts! You people would be nowhere without us!"

It's not easy being cheesy, even for a Jesus.

It's not easy being cheesy, even for a Jesus.

Something something Chang-a-lang-a ding dong

Something something Chang-a-lang-a ding dong



"You, me, & Marge?"
"No — demon, demon, you."