Jack Strawb

Unless you have a thing for Page or Wood (or Rennie), skip this apocalypse-lite soaper.

Buffy was the Star Trek: Next Generation of fantasy tv. A decent teen show, on its best days, but was it even pretending to be anything more than that?

Charmed was a "show"? I thought the whole point was just to follow three great-looking women in the world with cameras. Pfft. Next you'll be telling us there were "scripts."

No, the problem with half-witted social justice courtiers like Sava who pirouette for fans and kith and dollars, is they strip a series of context in order to rattle on about racism and sexism.

Five. Five!!!

Oh, eff no. Not the 'platonic female soulmates' story arc. No! Not again!!

Apologies for the double post, below. The link in the more recent one is accurate.


I'm not seeing any overlap, frankly. Not any more than the random
overlap you'd get between groups of men who like reading D.H. Lawrence, and groups of men who enjoy ice hockey.

Congratulations, Ignatz. Even your first sentence is incomprehensible. Dolt.

Amy Schumer is too bloated a wreck to ever play Sue Storm. Be fucking reasonable.

The first Terminator film had MASSIVE exposition dumps but managed to do them as well as any movie ever has with that much on its mind.

And that's really saying something.

Arriving in theaters two years after its festival premiere, and a mere two weeks before Roth’s vastly superior Knock Knock,…

Breitbart is a sewer except for Milo Yiannopolis's writing. Check out the comments section some time.

Yup. A few years back I had a couple of hours to kill and put Rocky in. It's a very fine film.

"Created by Melissa Rosenberg (who put in time on shows as varied as Dexter, Birds Of Prey, and Party Of Five in addition to writing all five Twilight movies),…"

Carrie-off-her-meds was in fact well done. It was compact, it let her address suppressed issues, it enabled her to go into the woods and wait for the ostensible assassin, then the intensity of the high kept her riveted on the site of the figure she shot, leaving her vulnerable from behind.

Congrats, I guess, Alex. I haven't read a review quite this stupidly arrogant in some time.

Pfft. Saw a guy ice his hand than set some weed on fire in a closed fist. It worked. I asked him why he didn't just put the weed on the pavement in a little bunch, light it, cover it with his hands, and inhale.