Jack Strawb

In addition, how is Girder ever able to even see Barry in the first place, or lay a hand on him? How can any being ever fight someone who can effectively move infinitely faster than they can. There's just no believable way for the universe of The Flash to be walled off from the real universe.

Hey guys. So what'd the Cos do?

Thanks for the link. Nice! Yeah, that worked.

Sorry for not replying. Disqus has a weird lag sometimes. Rre 5.03, I was appalled by the wanton ineptitude of the ambush in the church. Letting five lunatics armed with assault weapons within a few feet and the thickness of a doorway of your children and three other people was TWD at its worst. It was clumsy, clumsy

"It wasn't that difficult, imo."

Really? May I assume it was on the order of "They're phuquing with the wrong people" ?

I understand that talking statistics on the net is a losing proposition, but,

I know talking about statistics in an internet comments section is a losing game, but 1) Cosby hasn't been accused of rape 13 times.
2) What do you think the odds are, if 4% of all men are accused of rape, that someone will be accused of rape as often as Cosby has?

No, they don't. Relative to this discussion, the attempt was to paint childbirth as something very dangerous. It's like conflating the deaths of mechanics with deaths in automobile accidents.

Seasons 1 and 2 were fascinating. Was there not enough splatting for you? I say that realizing character development, narrative consistency, and subtext aren't for everyone. Nice that 5.05 picked it up again. It was almost good enough to slot into some of the more interesting episodes of season 2, though I was

"You'd get why she can do that." Heh. Can she fly, too?

"Scrutiny"? I notice it, too, when Superman flies about.
If within the first few minutes a show ostensibly taking place in the real world indulges in this level of idiocy, how seriously is it likely to take things like narrative and characterological consistency?

In this episode of POI (which I'm
only trying because avclub likes it) Sarah Shahi just decked three
hooligans in a few seconds. I'm very, very far from sexist but there are
literally no women her size on earth who can do this. Beyond silly. Is it all this cartoonish?

Most tv fighting is pretty funny stuff. On Person of Interest (which I'm only trying because avclub likes it) Sarah Shahi just decked three hooligans in a few seconds. I'm very, very far from sexist but there are literally no women her size on earth who can do this. Beyond silly.

I'd be shaving because a two week growth itches insanely, but no one would be shaving more than once a week, I'd think.

That was my impression, too, which made the episode a lot less interesting. Apparently Cudlitz cleared this up on Talking Dead.

Interesting—until this episode I've been distinctly unimpressed with Cudlitz, though that may have been in part thanks to his largely thankless role, which had him mostly doing cartoon bellowing until 5.05, and to the writing, which hadn't bothered telling us much about him since his intro in 4.10.

Nah, it's just that the show didn't have its 'book' together. It was more difficult to write for tool using zombies (though a lot more interesting) and the comic didn't use them, so they stopped using them in the show. We've seen enough newly minted dead to know that the change in their abilities is due to

Well.., this is the show that used "they're screwin' with the wrong people" as the ultimate badass statement to end season four, so…

Great point! Yeah, the gist was there, but it's a story that needs specifics in order to really work.