Good point, but I thought they covered that well enough by having her fire three shots to get the tank venting. They also built her up as developing sniper skills and a good eye, so it didn't register as a problem, overall.
Good point, but I thought they covered that well enough by having her fire three shots to get the tank venting. They also built her up as developing sniper skills and a good eye, so it didn't register as a problem, overall.
Apparently if they're unable to feed on what's right in front of them, walkers lose interest in eating and simply trudge along like pack animals.
Not really. It was filled with implausible character moments, logistical and editing blunders, silly script bits…
I wonder if it's because they realized Melissa McBride was the show's best actor, and they consciously built up her role over time?
TTG's TWD was unplayable as a game. They needed to either make it playable as such or eliminate entirely the inferior gamplay involving button mashing key hunts and turn it into some sort of interactive, cinematic experience.
Not so sure. Once he got rolling it sounded fairly credible. How one delivers the retrovirus, though, isn't clear. Aerosol form, from airplanes? Since walkers herd it would be ideal if you could get them to infect one another, somehow, but they don't respire, so airborne transmission doesn't seem viable…
Mm. They're probably going to work to keep a gender and race balance. Get rid of Carol, and only Maggie, Beth, and Michonne and… that other woman are left. And two more whose names I also can't remember at the moment. So never mind. They could off Carol and still have plenty of solid women characters. Still, at this…
I don't get it. Reloading, especially for a veteran cop, is nothing that would have interfered with the progress of any scene we saw. It's an obvious issue, one of about a dozen that has damaged the show's credibility and made it less fun to watch, and yet Gimple and Co. can't figure out how to give the show it's…
Gimple is the same clothead capable of writing interesting, individual episodes but wholly incapable of running a logistically complex show without endless gaffes, editing blunders, character inconsistencies, and assorted absurdities.
I was happy to see they made her badassery credible for a woman her size and weight, too.
Good to see Lennie James in anything, but of course the writing fekked it up some. In warm-weather Georgia a man is really going to be walking with a full mask on? They couldn't figure out that following him from behind before he turned around would make for an effective reveal without the absurdity?
Agreed. You need writers who are not lazy to establish a real back story in TWD's world, as to why a small group might resort to cannibalism out of the likes of religious madness for it to work.
Good episode. The blunders that often cripple the show were largely absent. Who knows, though, why Abraham fails to notice the sound and light coming from overhead in the early train car segment? That failure lasting several beats too long takes us out of the scene, as does Rick only remembering to work his homemade…
Yeah, but What About Bob? pretty much sucked, so there's that.
Given how piteous most comedies are, yes. Yes, we are. It's a small stretch, and a stretch worth making.
Mm. Klepper's… not good. His one-note delivery and constant mugging is grating. After Williams, everyone's playing for second place.
No fondness for Last Week Tonight? If Oliver could dial back his tendency to shout all his lines, and his tendency to unthinkingly accept all of first-world feminism's claims at face value he'd be practically perfect.
Larry Wilmore was great, but seemed to have limited range, while Che's success on tv is inexplicable. I'll be interested if the two new guys can even approach Jessica Williams' grit, smarts, and sass.
Thanks for intelligently engaging.
Please. We're not talking Vic.
"It's never too late to point out what a nasty little rat Corinne's pretty much always been. "
Corinne was a disaster.