Jack Strawb

"…but this mix of angsty, pretty, white fascists versus ruthless,
illogically violent, minority terrorists does not look promising to me."

I only just discovered avclub covered this little gem, and I'll be very curious to discover if the consensus is similar to how I see it: Great first season followed by a fairly ordinary second season, but finding focus again during season three.

(The presence of a capable cast—rounded out by Asia Argento—doesn't hurt either.)

Rather than phrase it in a bigoted manner, how about, "So often someone thinks they'll be able to change another's bad behavior, no problem." ?

Interesting. I used to do this. As mainstream feminism devolved, however, into mere special interest pleading and politics it more and more tends to slip my mind to do this kind of thing.
I feel similarly about first dates with women I don't know, or don't know well. It's impossible to know what sort of hysteria is

Do you know what 'pretentious' means, dude?

Funny. I would have said that calling someone with whom you disagree an "MRA" is as moronic as calling someone a "feminazi."

It would be horrible if we let the most outrageous assholes define our
major parties: I know it seems at times like they do, but that's largely
a result of how politics is handled in the news media.

(My guess is there are a number of white-guys still in labor-unions who still vote Democratic, but are also still racist as all heck.)
Do you really think racism is limited to 'white guys', or is more virulent among them?

You['re practicing, I guess, to work up the nerve to get a couple of eight year olds to be quiet.

I'm even trying to think of a high schooler who'd find Pie funny.

What did the doc ever do to him. And why was your uncle in prison?

Well, yeah. They're offensively stupid crap with very, very little to redeem them.

(Granted, the very idea of Shannon Elizabeth lusting after Jason Biggs seems like a male fantasy.)

Watching (and participating in) politics was actually fun, once. Now you just wonder whether, after, you're going to feel shitty, or feel really shitty.

Not to insult her, but despite never having seen biographical info on Sonia I'd be startled if she wasn't very young. The idea that strong, simple feelings are corny or cheesy tends to be an affliction of those under 40, and especially under 30.

"No matter how great of individuals they may be, social norms deem that—at least in Dillon—she has to end up with a Riggins"

"Like Sonia said, you could look at it as corny, but it's absolutely earned, every last drop of it…"

Er, it's only Tami's refusal to move with him and instead stay in Dillon and continue the job she's had for a year that 'sets the stage for the collapses to come.' It also seems to be the case that it's Tami's desperation, her inability to deal with Julie without resorting to violence, and her inability to deal

As with so many things I think it's both. Eric certainly turns ought to be a surrogate father to Smash. Doesn't mean he can't also pursue his dream job while wanting that dream job's higher income, the better to take care of his family and enjoy life.