Jack Strawb

Granted this was a while back, but there's no reason not to start with the best of Zack's list to see if you enjoy the original series. If at some point you decide you want to stay with it, skip the worst half of the 79 episodes the original series offers and enjoy some good to truly special tv.

"Voyager almost never refers back to the fact that they're stranded millions of light years away from the Federation in a meaningful way (supplies, homesickness, etc.)."

"Voyager almost never refers back to the fact that they're stranded millions of light years away from the Federation in a meaningful way (supplies, homesickness, etc.)."

Enterprise does some very interesting things in the first season and has a lot of promise. Then it turns in a whole batch of horribly written, absurdly plotted snoozefests in the first half of season two, and never recovers.

Enterprise does some very interesting things in the first season and has a lot of promise. Then it turns in a whole batch of horribly written, absurdly plotted snoozefests in the first half of season two, and never recovers.

If someone can point me to an article that talks about why Voyager isn't light years better than TNG, I'd appreciate it. It seems impossible to think that TNG isn't aimed squarely at teens (nothing wrong with that, but that puts it in a different conversation than all the other ST series) while whatever its faults,

If someone can point me to an article that talks about why Voyager isn't light years better than TNG, I'd appreciate it. It seems impossible to think that TNG isn't aimed squarely at teens (nothing wrong with that, but that puts it in a different conversation than all the other ST series) while whatever its faults,

You have something against catsuits?

You have something against catsuits?

? Spectre didn't have anything to do with cowboys and especially not with Indians.

? Spectre didn't have anything to do with cowboys and especially not with Indians.

I think you're right. The Empath was a similarly no-budget season three episode that looks like it was shot on a bare stage with a few floodlights for emphasis and a handful of props from an Ionesco production. It's hard to see how it would have been improved by a more complex set design.

I think you're right. The Empath was a similarly no-budget season three episode that looks like it was shot on a bare stage with a few floodlights for emphasis and a handful of props from an Ionesco production. It's hard to see how it would have been improved by a more complex set design.

The point was straightforward and well told: it wasn't that none of them noticed, it was that none of them considered it important, or could readily conceive that it could be important to anyone. It would be as though two people you were dealing with were bitter enemies and you just weren't getting it until one of

The point was straightforward and well told: it wasn't that none of them noticed, it was that none of them considered it important, or could readily conceive that it could be important to anyone. It would be as though two people you were dealing with were bitter enemies and you just weren't getting it until one of

Your first mistake was positing a 'best' anything for TNG.

Your first mistake was positing a 'best' anything for TNG.

"Also I'll point out that to really, truly love Trek, as Zack points out, requires that one embrace cheesy sci-fi camp.You really just have to."

"Also I'll point out that to really, truly love Trek, as Zack points out, requires that one embrace cheesy sci-fi camp.You really just have to."

"and the kind of crappy job she does on the ship"