Jack Strawb

"As I've said before, for every 3 horrid episodes there's one incredible one"

MASH had a couple of good seasons at the start and overstayed its welcome by a decade, to the point where it too resembled a world stuffed with shambling corpses who just so happened to be picking up handsome checks in return for groaning lines no one laughed at.

I liked the speech a lot, especially given how different it was compared to the violence and hysteria Tami too often brings to her relationship with Julie.

The idea that anyone might have thought Matt would rape Julie is entirely bizarre.

Of the things that ring false (rare with FNL) having Smash lead the walkout so soon after Eric put his own career on the line and saved Smash's roiding butt is the worst. A not-too-distant second is having Eric stand sheepishly by to give McGill room to tie up the plot.

"Rape culture"? There's no reference in the episode to men's prisons.

When over half the reviews on the front page of the TV club are "A"s, how effing bad does something have to be to knock down a C minus? 'Stationery camera aimed at defecating chimps' bad?

Stake Land is yards better than both. Zombie comedies are almost impossible to make work. Even as terrific a film as Shaun of the Dead turns to nothing once its protagonists have to start some serious killing. A great hour before then, but after? Blah.

Agree with the exception of your note on 'light moments'. There are a number of them scattered throughout. There's even a fair stretch in the town they reach where for a while everything seems almost magical.

Yup. Very pleasant surprise.

"If The Walking Dead featured vampires instead of zombies…"

Not surprising, is it? I don't think its been contrarian for at least three decades to point out that King's no writer. People like the stories he tells, and The Beverly Hillbillies was the number one rated show on television. No one reads King for his prose stylings, do they? It follows that most adaptations of

Yeah. They always get 'em right.

Good point. Strange wasn't young, but he certainly seemed fit.

My recollection of the very early Doc Strange was that CGI will be essential to showing the good doctor in action. It won't be easy, though, to create effective battle scenes. Showing antagonists in well defined spatial relationships to each other seems beyond most directors. Add to that the necessity of establishing

Why are you bringing up a role exquisitely played by Ricardo Montalban in this context?

Let's see. Other than trying to scrape you off the bottom of my shoe, two comments. One highly specific on why this miserable piece of crap—that you apparently identify with to the point that criticism of it throws your widdle fragile head into a tizzy—is precisely that, and the second, pleasantly constructive, and

Well, if that's the flow you think you need to go along with, less power to you. Cheers.

Never, ever got the appeal of Pretty Woman. Ever.

Congratulations on going to the well one more time. Your life must be a neverending potpourri of superficial grievances, shallow plaints, and stale whines. Do some real analysis instead of falling back on yet more platitudes and truisms and figure out, finally, if a single gripe you take for granted has any value