Jack Strawb

Absolutely right. I was talking over whether to get involved with a much younger woman I liked and who liked me, and my elderly female friend, slightly irked that I was trying to make the decision for both of us, said "why don't you let her decide?"

Yeah, they'll group raise her, or something.

When I realized very belatedly (three hours after the show ended) it was Denise Crosby, my first thought was, "really? She was the best they could do?"

I'm gonna assume that while emptying a shotgun into a tree is an admirable way to spend a Saturday night, you and your crew probably weren't all that sober at any point. I know it's a shotgun, but even so it's not a guarantee you'll hit something.

Wait a minute. That scene didn't bug me as much as it might have because it looked like Abraham was carrying a couple of containers of what might have been fuel, and in the context of the show it might have been superduper Eugene additive fuel that has survived the ZA that was poured into the vehicle's tank. (Btw,

Aw, crap. I just binge-watched the first season of The Wire, and while it might not be the greatest show ever made, yet (no offense), it's light years ahead of TWD in terms of character development even in the context of a show that's extremely plot heavy and has at least as many main and recurring characters as TWD.

Dammit. You're probably right, and that dooms Maggie to only be interesting when she's apart from Glenn (which she vowed would not happen again). Bad writers!

Good point. Was there no one in wardrobe saying, "er, he's sleeveless, she's wearing a sweater…" ?

Nailed it. Why not just have Glen hear the whisper of some ugly noises in the tunnel, or otherwise claim that even a one hour delay is unacceptable? Let his belief that Maggie might be in the tunnel and under attack motivate him, or let the idea occur to him that they may have no clue once they arrive at the other

I maintain that Shane was the most well developed character on the show and a very complex guy, but I seem to be entirely alone in that opinion. In any case, OF COURSE they killed him off.

In truth I was going to let your rec make that decision for me. For some reason I find the issues the ZA raises very, very engaging, so a TWD game should be right in my wheelhouse. When you say, though, that the gameplay is actually worse (how is that even possible??), it makes me really lean towards finding another

I was kidding from the perspective of being on your side of the issue. I should have added the /sarcasm or /irony tag.

Ah, I take it you're not a rural soul.

So you're saying I should mow my lawn more than every three years?

True. There's serious politics involved in depicting homosexuality both not as a choice, and bisexuality as not something that homosexuals drift into, as that implies there's something optional about sexual identity.

Oh, how I wish that wasn't perfectly believable.

Fair enough. I guess they did cover some of what I took to be Unexplained Sibling Indifference Syndrome.

Have you ever adapted Drake's equation to the likelihood of meeting a suitable romantic partner? If you live in a rural area, similar to where most of the show takes place, the odds are likely to be very, very discouraging.

The walker in the well was a great scene. Speak no ill of it, sir.

Wouldn't Daryl have asked at least one or two circumspect questions about who Joe's gang ran into in the house Joe mentioned? Daryl doesn't know about the fate of the prison bus group, so from his point of view there could be as many as two dozen of his former compatriots wandering around. There isn't a whole lot of