Jack Strawb

No argument at all with any of that.

TD claim: the picture in the completed puzzle is of Sophia.

"but for this show, it was quite good."

Yes. Leaving the kids alone when it's hardly more sensible to have two people than one clear an empty seeming house is not believable.

Yeah, DG is not much of an actress. Sharbino, otoh, is.

The Lizzie actress was indeed terrific. She'll be a looker, too. Probably has a big career ahead of her.

Disagree wrt the Gov's eps. He was Jeffrey Dahmer, with better hair; more killings, less appetite. I would not have been excited to hear of Dahmer's attempts at redemption.

Yup. Her refusal to overact after Mika's death (most actors would strain to show what they weren't showing) was splendid.

I seem to have enraged a few people downthread with the idea of leaving Lizzie as her heart's desire, an eternal wanderer, and here the two adults go, leaving the poor bustard stuck in one spot for eternity, to no one else's chagrin.

I find Abraham's mustache and Eugene's mullet far more offensive.

It was shown during the week in previews, so it wasn't 'new' new.

Why is Carol taking the blame for something she didn't do, and risking her life in the process?

There was already a grave in the yard when they arrived at the house.

It's so much cuter when the detectives threaten gang rape in prison for people reluctant to cooperate with investigations.

1. Carol would have never let Lizzie wander the earth as a zombie.

Agree wrt LGJ, but Coleman comes off in TWD as a slow, lumbering, big guy going to fat, not as an impressive physical presence.

What could be more poetically just within the confines of the character's narratives??

Well, I wouldn't have blown him away if he simply dropped the gun. If I'm listening to Rick, anyway, although that's not the route to old age.

Gimpel's a good writer, but he's no showrunner. The Peter Principle at work.

Tyrese was sometimes inaudible, but that was due to the actor mumbling—it's not unusual for his deep-voiced line delivery—and the sound guy and director aren't compensating for it.