Jack Strawb

"First of all, how do you know how people would act in real life?"

Fwiw, doesn't Bob have a scrubby beard this episode?


Sweet, bizarre sneak preview clip towards the end of Talking Dead. I think I know what's going on, but it's still evocative. It's also nice to see something other than the absurd shaky-cam with blurry borders for previews.

Yeah. No one should post unless they like the show. Hang on, Have to get my eyeball. It just rolled out of my head.

Still time to come back. Season 2 and the first third of Season 3 will hold up over time. I'd like to see Gimpel gone, though. He's clearly in over his head.

It was indeed very well done. As w the opening last week w Daryl and Beth in the car trunk, the show does pretty well with three minute vignettes. It was also a nice touch, to start w the suggestion that Bob had lost touch w Maggie and Sasha.

Yeah, the BB comparison was inapt, at least.

2) sounds reasonable. Taking a handful for the purposes of firestarting does make sense. but Daryl also had that hoarding greedhead look, which threw me.

Cycling is a great way to travel. You can easily go 50 miles a day without breaking a sweat, and carry a ton of supplies. Evading walkers would be easy.

Man, it's nice not to actively hate an episode.

Very solid ep. I'm actually worried about Beth. I did think the kidnappers might be the gang Rick dealt with previously. Guess they're who Daryl ran into towards the end.

Where did you see sexual tension, though? There was no flirting, no long, lingering glances from one character when the other character looked away, no sense during the rare moment when the characters actually, physically touched that the hug might turn into something more, no risque questions in Never Have I Ever… I

What was going on with Daryl, the savviest of the survivors, suddenly stuffing the limited space of his backpack with hundred dollar bills? It was so absurd it didn't really register at the time, just one more WTF moment from one of the worst writer's groups going.

The idea that out of the blue Daryl, at this late date, would start shoving hundreds into a backpack, is absurd. Jesus, what a joke.

That was eyerollingly ridiculous. With all of Daryl's reticence with women he'd never do that.

Dunno if you'll be stopping back so I'll keep this fairly brief, but the spine of Rick-Lori-Shane was stronger than anything else we've seen to date and it set up the emotional strength and stakes of 3.1 through 3.4.

I really am the only one who sees the goodness of Season 2, aren't I?

Wouldn't you have to go back? I would. I couldn't take it.

None of Carol changing has felt at all organic to me. We never saw even one or, better, two short scenes where she dealt with Sophia's death in a remotely credible way, in a way that indicated it had hardened her. All of a sudden she was simply a better shot, and teaching naifs to use knives.