Jack Strawb

Anyone else find the dialogue between Michonne and Carl of a kind no humans have ever spoken? It managed to be both wooden and absurd.

Very well said. You're right that the mix is all wrong.

Better shows have a 'book' that forces writers to work with at least some kind of consistency.

Just like so many things. What was Bob Dylan's career but an early great start followed by decades of mediocrity and some outright horror, but with the occasional World Gone Wrong thrown in, just to confuse everyone who was certain he was dead and buried? The Rolling Stones were yet another example, but without a WGW

That's a good thing?

Great post.

I'm amazed that someone thinks the show is currently better than Season 1. There isn't an episode this season that comes anywhere close to the pilot. The characters' primary motivation is stupidity. They can't even pull off an interesting, engaging flashback.

It's called 'death by writer', I believe.

Right? Iirc Gimpel wrote Clear and at least one other of the better episodes. When they announced he'd be running the joint I though Ah, coherent narratives at least, and some solid dialogue.

Yup. We were a minority at the time but hardly rare in conjecturing that it would be an interesting way for the show to go.

I watched it w/o breaks, too, and paused the scene w the closeup of the log, and STILL couldn't make out WTF they were trying to show. Just awful, awful work.

She was, though. It was the herd that terrified the girl into bolting. That Sophia had no idea how to defend herself against even a lone walker was the proximate cause of her death, and that has to be on Carol; at least, that's how Carol seems to have experience it.

Does the following make sense as the coming Carol and Lizzie arc?

See? You write better than the writers. Unless of course you're planning to bury Carol for a year in mud and only have her surface at a critical plot juncture…

If you're right, it would be all too typical of the show to do something like aim for a good scene while creating a ridiculous one. I was almost certain the copy of the show I saw had dropped a minute or two of tape; no one does a reveal that absurd intentionally.

It's too bad, then, that he looks ridiculous on TWD.

Wish I felt that way, but Nagan is the dullest villain imaginable. Given how weak the Gov was as a character on the show, if the show goes with a villain even more one dimensional than ol' tank head I won't be able to keep watching.

The comic became ludicrous at the point it was clear Kirkman had no idea he was presenting Rick as a buffoon who was routinely getting people killed for essentially no reason. There was a run of ten issues, probably around the time they arrived at the walled community, where our fearless leader was doing something

"Where do you go from there except repetition of the same story beats."

Any plans for it to come out for the PC?