Was the PS3 the underdog platform? By the time Last of Us came out the PS3 had overtaken the Xbox 360 in sales.
Was the PS3 the underdog platform? By the time Last of Us came out the PS3 had overtaken the Xbox 360 in sales.
I’d just say stop at this point. You’ve obviously won, you’re obviously right. You’ve even convinced most of the people who were calling you a moron before, hence why they decided “oh.errr...I was trolling you...Yeah that’s it.” Best to quit whilst you’re ahead.
This should clear things up. Walter White is the one who knocks.
That’s not quite true, whilst many made use of the extra space for FMVs, there were other more Core benefits. Plus FMVs aren’t looked back on as silly, theyre looked on now as silly. Back in the day they were experience enhancers. It’s just now/last decade that they’ve become awkward.
It’s more like why fly to the moon, we want to jump.
I am extremely torn about this. On the one hand people should be free to have whatever political opinions they choose. If I was to vehemently support a socialist party, should I be vilified by those that are right wing slash libertarian? I am increasingly uncomfortably with the decorum of the anti-trump mob.
To me she looks white in all those pictures.
Yeah MMOs can be badly addictive, and I’ve read a few articles about people who end up with MMOs as a bigger part of their life than their real job.
I get what you’re saying. I am genuinely the kind of guy who’d like to do the fun off-shoot stuff rather than just race straight through. My issue with this article is that it’s saying “my way is the correct way to have fun, look at all those people not having enough fun, haha!"
If you want to do something specific in a dungeon, the best thing is to form your own party. It might seem like your idea of fun to find this cool little scripted fight but it’ll be someone else’s idea of fun to get through the dungeon quickly and reap the rewards. This article isn’t about rebelling against the norm,…
I don’t think she is annoyed. She’s trying to create a narrative beyond “guyz luk i got a new PS4". Its painfully fake, but it’ll mean she can squeeze a few more videos out of it.
I kind of get why having a Nintendo fan review Nintendo games is good, because Nintendo die-hard generally are the ones buying these games. So when I say this I realise this is just my opinion and that it’s not “correct”, but: I find it difficult to judge whether to buy a Nintendo game after reading a kotaku review…
Me! I love Final Fantasy XI but can’t justify hours and hours in front of a TV playing it when I have real life commitments and a girlfriend who also wants to watch TV.
A version on my phone/tablet is a version I can actually play!
You’re right to doubt Square as a stable company. They really struggled with the HD era, but people forget that XII also had a notoriously difficult development cycle. Without wanting to sound too nostalgic, they’ve struggled with directors since X, which was released 15 years ago.
Actually they said the cost of the game hasn’t reached the levels of Gta V and Mgsv even, and they later clarified the 10 million target as a personal ambition, as they wanted the game to surpass VII in every respect, including sales. They don’t need to sell 10 million to make profit.
I agree, SE think they need to appease the console fanbase who have been waiting for this for 10 years. They’re focusing on the console releaseas a result and feel like they shouldn’t get sidetracked (or be perceived to be sidetracked) with a PC release. I’m sure this has been said in interviews.