I always considered him a boring wanker.
Sad times indeed.
The best kind of movies.
Walk the Sky by Fuel was at least good.
Exactly. I’ve pinched a loaf a few times while on the phone.
Agreed. Same goes for the Fast & Furious franchise. It’s almost too damn much.
Amen to that.
I don’t remember liking it.
Nebraska & Sideways.
I hear you. Iceberg is the way to go for burgers.
NO love for the spring mix or just not on a burger?
I like Leo.
Possession is on of those films that is was damn near impossible to find a copy to view. It was until the last decade that it was released on anything other than obscure VHS. I tried and tried for years to track down a copy.
It’s amazing. I remember when it was extremely hard to find.
Good list.
What about The Blob?