I love that you guys called them! No one else bothered
I love that you guys called them! No one else bothered
$180,000 - our baby’s 18-day stay in the NICU. Fortunately we have insurance but even so, our health expenses have been 20% of our income since then
My MOTHER supports him because she thinks he will protect her from the Muslims that are somehow out to get her. She’s always been a Republican, which has been a source of dissonance. But I thought she had some GD common sense and never thought she was racist until now :( And nothing I say will change her mind.
But Debbie Wasserman Schultz says superdelegates “have never been a determining factor in who our nominee is since they’ve been in place since 1984.” and she’s definitely not on bernies side. It’s really confusing.
I read that he actually got the under-45 vote, a whole extra decade of voters :)
You guys, is this true? HuffPo says there will be a contested convention “unless Clinton can get 2,383 pledged delegates by June 14th — which she can’t, barring a miracle.” If so, shouldn’t it be a bigger story?