Back to the Future spoof? I wonder if they are going to take it *there*... you know, “Mom, you’re hot”
Back to the Future spoof? I wonder if they are going to take it *there*... you know, “Mom, you’re hot”
I realize that I’m kind of the PC oddball for *not* installing any mods, but 903? Is it even fun anymore at that point?
Or that she was supposed to have fooled the Rohirrim by looking male, and blending in with the army. With armor like that, they must be pretty oblivious.
For some unexplainable reason, I hope he records video of him running it through a band saw, dropping the pieces on the floor and laughing hysterically.
I think that was part of the issue.
I dunno, I kind of liked Sundogs.
Michael Jackson still gets a pass.
And here I thought I was alone in the world. You aren’t my cousin or anything, are you?
Am I crazy, or does the weapon stats layout in the inventory look exactly like Borderlands?
Be sure to stack them alternately head to foot.
A couple observations, first, he’s pretty quick for a refrigerator, but yeah, would probably gas out. Second, I genuinely wonder how he would do with take downs. Could McGregor legitimately do anything, or would he just get smashed in a grapple?
Like a spoonful of mayonnaise.
The oddities of Dreams/nightmares. You aren’t going to ask about the anthropenis character with an erection?
Without a doubt. I’m amazed she isn’t more famous than she is, and kind of stuck in middling comedy roles. But she was awesome in Parks and Rec, so props to her for bringing it.
I’m not admitting that I may have shit in a cornfield.
I’m not Googling this, and you can’t make me.
I’m with you. By blind luck of geography, I’ve had Qdoba probably 12 years before I ever saw a Chipotle in person.
Yeah, at some point, it just becomes ‘stabbing’.
I’m not exactly a feminist, just a random dude trying not to be an asshole as much. This just makes me mad, though. One of the most iconic images of female empowerment reduced to a slutty costume.
No judging here. Shake it Off is catchy as shit.