I certainly haven’t. Where I live, two inches of rain floods like 8 counties. Thank you for your answer.
I certainly haven’t. Where I live, two inches of rain floods like 8 counties. Thank you for your answer.
Totally, she’s bad ass. I was just too lazy to look the climbing thing up.
The later Ultimate universe became terrible. In my opinion at least, the first 4 or 5 arcs of Ult. Fantastic Four were really pretty good. Decent, at a minimum. Doom was menacing, arrogant, and ultimately Very Capable as a villain. The modernization of the characters was not bad, either. It quickly went to shit…
Not discounting her accomplishment AT ALL, but isn’t Kilimanjaro more of a hiker, than a climber?
Different toppings, but kinda the same crust, you know?
Oh, I’m sure many lie about it, and to facilitate it, for that matter. For me personally, let’s look at Tinder. I’ve signed up for a look, and even if I set my area to a 50 mile radius, ages 20-50, there weren’t more than 50 women to swipe. And while I’m gainfully employed, I’m a 6 on a good day. If I swiped every…
So, I’m like, not a dummy. I’m an intelligent woman who, you know, has this issue every month.
As a midwestern dude, this may as well be about aliens.
From the article:
I know, I thought I missed a memo or something.
Hashtag PP sells baby parts.
Since this place seems as good as any to throw this out...
I’m currently enthralled with this group. I only heard them for the first time a couple weeks ago, and I’m totally hooked.
Guess which people actually read your comment?
You know, I used to think that, too, but now I’m not sure. Remember that she was married to that Scott Foley guy for several years, and then right around the time Alias really hit, and Jen started doing movies, they divorced. Not saying that Scott maybe didn’t become a jealous, overshadowed jackwagon, but maybe Jen…
I’ll stick to the poor man’s version of cold showers, which promote testosterone production and norepinephrine turnover.
Thank you for your answer.
Hey, for 15 dollars every month, I will tell you the best roads and trails to use for maximum results.*
Damn. I hate saying something ignorant here, but I want to learn. I want to be better.