
I love that your family trolls the primary. That is a heartwarming tradition.

To my estimation, the “door of the oven” comment doesn’t even hold up. Yes, it’s an inflammatory statement (no pun intended), but it’s not like Israel is helpless like the German Jews. They have a bitchin military, nuclear weapons, and the support of many, many heavyweight countries.

It’s just an in-house report on their user data, by Etsy, for Etsy, and released as a curiousity.

Do we have to call every good feeling a *blank* orgasm? Just like neat pictures are porn. Food porn, earth porn, whatever. Frisson is the word, and it’s a great word. I don’t have mouth orgasms when I eat a cupcake, I’m not looking at space porn when I see new photos of Pluto.

I teach, and let me tell you, middle schoolers fucking LOVE these games. They speak quietly and urgently about them in case the adults are listening. We are, but I’m likely one of the few that knows what it’s about.

One of the things I didn’t know about, was the prevalence of Flash game mash-ups of FNAF characters in

Congratulations, Gun Nuts?

Because Christians, mostly.

If you say so.

I’ll do you one better. Wraps are Tortillas.

More acceptable than on the bone with blue cheese?

As in it’s kind of sad, but ultimately not that important?

Truth. I’m mostly not an angry drunk. Self-pitying and stupid sounds about right. And I seriously need to stay off the internet when I drink. Old joke, but Facebook needs a breathalyzer. Rude and crude, ‘aw, maaan, we’re just having fun.’

I think this about myself sometimes, and I think am truly that asshole.

But does it have the KIIIID....THAT. YELLLLLS.... EVERY. WOORRRRRRRD!?!?!?!

Crush clove with flat side of knife. Rough chop. Done.

Crush clove with flat side of knife. Rough chop. Done.

Isn’t this a variation on the Australian Parma? More or less chicken parmesan, but bar-foodier. Seems like the idea spreading to the Philippines isn’t that farfetched.

Because she liked him at one point in her life, and now he’s crazy Batman jacked. Worth at least a revisit hookup.

Yeeeeeeessssss, you are correct. Seems like a lot of people do not understand this.

I guess this is the best place to say it as anywhere, I don’t like Hillary. Sorry. She’s probably a fine enough person as politicians go. It’s not a sexism thing, I love Elizabeth Warren, and Kirsten Gillibrand. Hillary just doesn’t bring anything to the table, besides “Holy Shit She’s a Woman, and We Know Her, and