
We can be, it's true. Though that's a fairly large brush you're painting with.

Sort of want...

Oh, that's good.+1

Ho-ly shit. My old HS on Deadspin. This is also where Kirk Hinrich is from, by the way. He is a douchebag, if you wondered.

drrr drrrr drrrr

I can't snark on this. Good for NBC. Even if it becomes too American Idol/Glee popness, it's still a live performance of a musical on a major network in primetime. This shows hard work and skilled performers (hopefully) doing something without studio production or heavy editing. At worst, some popstar sings well and

How the fuck does a batting helmet tear someone's Achilles tendon?

I've made a huge mistake.

Professional instrumentalist here. Jeeesus, can confirm. Vocalists are the worst.

My obligatory homerism, because he's by far the biggest name we've graduated...

Oh, Hell fucking Yes.

The horn players absolutely own this piece.

They were never not going to put him back on the air. This whole thing reeks of manufactured outrage.