
You ever think that maybe Jay Z and Beyonce had legitimate issues that they NEEDED to do something about, and this is A cathartic and healthy way of dealing with their marital issues?

You know, I think they need to become anime 20somethings already. Because, they aren’t teens, they never have been teens, and they never WILL be teens.

I for one think Overwatch needs PVE.

Saxton Hale is A Yeti? Cool.

Tomi Lahren used to annoy me, now I just think she’s funny.

Is it going to be another circle jerk where no one’s ideology is ever questioned because of legitimate criticisms such as an intolerance for questions and challenging one’s ideas? Or -HOT LESBIAN BONDAGE SEX- Oh look, I got your attention back.

Shit, that’s him? That kid has lost muscle tone. . . .His abs must have been from starving himself instead of protein. . .

Gotta distance ourselves emotionally for now man, think about our goals and how to build something.

I feel like unless liberal minded people like us gain actual power? People like Weinstein will just become meat to throw to what they see as dogs to distract them for A time. . . .I mean, it’s kind of disturbing how it works isn’t it? The last sexual assault case I remember is Kesha, and I remember literally going out

Let’s not play ourselves here, these beautiful bombastic shaped women didn’t flock to Hef because he DIDN’T have deep pockets, they went to him because he paid absurd amounts of money for them to be objectified. It may be inconvenient for you to accept? But, that’s just the truth.

It probably did hurt his business, but he ended up profiting further in the long run.

No, Bourbon is A derivative of whiskey. >:)

I wonder if this will be in stock when my refund comes at the end of the week.

I wonder if this will be in stock when my refund comes at the end of the week.

Honestly dude? The answer MIGHT surprise you. . . .

Cognition - You believe with all your might the enemy will stab you, and that you are actually the good guy. So, you’d better make sure that you actually get stabbed.

Targeryans are like magic though, I mean look at Dany? She’s fucking beautiful and she’s fireproof.

I honestly didn’t see LittleFinger’s death coming, I never really imagined LittleFinger dying.

He was smiling like A human being, just A human being who internalizes a lot of hatred and anger towards the other one for personal reasons, leaving the other person with A :”What the fuck?” expression on their faces.

The entire Tyrell family except Granny would respectfully disagree with your ass.

Wait, you’re telling me he ACTUALLY had four other accents and I didn’t Mendella myself?