Jackson J Edge

This was pretty funny, but avclub has the worst comics comment section on the internet.

Worst comics comment section on the internet. Quite a feat, avclub.

Gawd, that art.

Daybreak by Brain Ralph. It is like Walking Dead for people who aren't idiots. I'm almost done with Big Questions by Anders Nilson which is huge. Gorgeous but huge.

Did Neandertals do art critiques? Were they harsh or more constructive?

Should have been…COULD have been Trash Humpers.

"Marvel's most ambitious" doesn't seem very ambitious. Hugs.

My favorite is Rick Veitch's run on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles…if that counts. I was still waiting for Krang and the Ratking to show up and got this: http://www.rickveitch.com/w…

Scioli seems incapable of bad work.


We don't have personal universes.

Did he ever finish Sea Guy?

Sea Guy is my favorite from that dude.

Shit is pretty adorable.

Balak, Sanlaville, and Vives' "Last Man" series. That's kind of like superheroes, right guys?

I dont know if I can think of any comics that are JUST about taking drugs. My favorite recent drug usage in comics comes from Joe Daly ' s Dungeon Quest.

Oh, and Hawkeye. It was AMAZING. The one with the bow and arrower. Pt-twang!

Wally Gropius and Last of the Mohicans by Shigeru Sugiura. Both crazy and amazing.

ESPECIALLY the porn ones?