
You guys in Pittsburgh have a football team that’s won a couple titles and I don’t want to take any of that away from you, they’ve earned it - you haven’t, they have. Just keep in mind there’s one team in Boston that’s won more titles than all of the teams in Pittsburgh combined - by a long shot.

No idea what that means,

If Deadspin wants to make itself into a go-to blog for sports news it needs to employ people who have half a clue what they’re talking about. Hockey is one thing but the go-to guys and gals who post here obviously have never played any competitive sports beyond 5th grade.

Do you really expect Deadspin people to have any fucking clue what they’re talking about?

I forgot to mention that all of the Boston teams own whatever teams ... I think you might have a baseball team and maybe a football team... whatever..you’re owned.

I have no idea what bad kinja means but have to assume it’s a barb you’re proud of. The Bruins are doing fine babe, they fucked the bunny at the end of the season but I know they’ll be fine in the years to come and I also know the Penguins were stroking their chumps when the B’s had their way with said bunny because

What? I understand your harsh feelings about Tom snatching your heart so many times but I’m curious how you can reconcile a trumped up cheating scandal with your supposed savior who is the definition of a douchebag and would likely be in jail for rape if not for some PA state troopers who had his back. Which is worse?

You obviously have no idea what Tourettes entails but hey you’re probably from pittburgh so you have little idea what anything entails unless it involves mayonnaise.

You’re welcome guy with the wrap around goggles.

How is that belly doing bro? You’re not fat, you’re big...say it.

I like most sane fans dislike all the little bitchy pittsburgh teams and their fat retarded fans with their huge bellies, terrible goats and cheap wrap around sunglasses. You know the guys that think they’re “big” but other people refer to as “fat”. It’s not that I hate them, it’s just that I think of them as the crap

I know none of you fucking retards follow hockey because you’re fucking retards but as far as announcers go ....... Mike Emrick, he’s second only to Vin. If you disagree you’re wrong and probably a fucking retard.

I used to read Simmon’s stuff all the time, it probably helped we’re both from Boston, we’re the same age and we had/have some of the same friends. That being said his shit got tired a long time ago.

Ping Pong Shows, ahh the things that can’t be unseen.