Jackson Forest

Who? You?

He nailed my feelings exactly.

Pence is already in charge. Trump will spend the next 4 years playing golf and seeing if the FBI has any unseen nude celebrity pix.

Not much I wouldn't watch Jessica in.

I hope he tries. Trump's success will be his undoing.

Yeah, the nerds had their revenge. Now it's time for the idiots.

Trump couldn't win the USA. Just the electoral college.

I hope this show can last. Hopefully Fox has all the Gordon Ramsey they need for now.

I agree. For a bit part, she was sensational.

Don't kid yourself. Trump will be playing golf and cutting ribbons for 4 years. Pence (w/Paul Ryan), Newt, Rudy et al will be running government. Same as it ever was.

Rejection of Trump is going to bring this country together like nothing we've ever seen.

All that's getting me through right now is anticipation of 4 years of the most biting, acidic, amazing satire & comedy the world has ever seen. Comedians - rip Trump to shreds!

Yeah, I almost expected him to make an actual appearance later a la the magic they used to give us young Anthony Hopkins. But I liked it better subtle.

What awesome news! Easily among the best written of any super hero shows or movies. Just wish they could rename it - sounds like a bad western.

Are we actually calling Stephen Baldwin & Chachi celebrities?

James may be voting Hillary but that mustache is voting Trump.

Is it possible that this entire campaign has been a new business launch? No way. Trump wouldn't dupe his supporters like that. He wants to work really hard helping people - just like he's always done.

Bill O'Reilly.

Caught up on three shows last night - The Walking Dead, Westworld and this. The Exorcist blew the other two away. It's not only the best network show on, it's better than just about any of the premiums as well. The look of the show and the music are amazing. Ben Daniels is killing it in every episode and the rest

Four episodes in and I have no idea why anyone would pay a small fortune to bop robot hookers and/or have a really dull time. Also not sure why I'm paying to watch. Hope it gets better fast.