Jackson Bollocks

I’ll talk to my subjects and get them back in line. Did you cry?

I hate this concept only white men can be mocked and “punched.” It just breeds anger and resentment from a section of society that needs to adjust to a changing world. Anger gets in the way of that.

you’re messed up.

I agree with you in general, but when she invited the guy up on stage, that was over the line. That was punching down. If you are a comedian that the whole crowd has come to see, you have the power in that situation, far more than any audience member. So, bringing a Trump supporter up on stage like she did and

The Cognitive dissonance fairy has been very generous lately .

Let’s note the very different takes from Jezebel on two very similar events here. Amy Schumer mocks Trump at a show and gets positive coverage; Dave Chapelle mocks Hillary at a show and gets negative coverage.

You can’t say that here. Leaks about Hillary Clinton cheating during debates and colluding with the DNC are tainted...Trump leaks are sacrosanct.

Let me get this straight. The disgusting aspect of the leaked tape isn’t its contents, but the fact that it was leaked in the first place?

I despise the Trumps and even I don’t give a shit about that story.

how mad were you while typing this up? ha!

Why has “Jackie” not had to face any punishment for the actual fabrication of the story? Or does she just not exist and was made up by Erderly?

I’m a journalist, and I’m okay with this. Making a deliberate decision not to fact-check a piece like this easily fits the legal definition of “reckless disregard for the truth.”

Agree. We are in this mess because those who support Trump have felt silenced for so long. They have been building this anger for over the years and now it’s about to explode. If they can use platforms like this debate to spout their words, so be it. I am not going to vote for them. You are not going to vote for them.

But your campus is paid for by taxes as well as tuition, and he is a tax payer in your state. Also how am I misunderstanding free speech? It means that in public places he can express himself freely without threat of reprisal by the government, so long as he isn’t causing violence.

I’m sorry, but how is it disgusting and disrespectful of black students to say that they can’t abide by this man’s existence? Black people are tough, and a racist speaking hasn’t killed them yet. What is harmful to them is the idea that they are too fragile to exist in a world where this man has a right to speak as

Why is it disgusting? I would not mind if he came to my HBCU. I support his right to speak and if my campus said we would host any candidate who got 5% or more, then we would honor our word. Even if it is person we do not like or have the same views.

The casting of this movie to date, just shows that when a filmmaker wants to, they can, embrace humanity instead of promoting homogeny.

No clue who either of them are, so I definitely wouldn’t give a dime to see them on a big screen.

Look, I am voting for Clinton, of course, because I am a sane, sentient being, but there is a judgment issue at play here.