
This is why I teach shooting sports to youth...safety and proper handling means we can keep punching holes in paper and spanging silhouettes for fun.


or... you know... a proper holster

Yes. Have one chambered when it’s in your holster.. but never when it’s not safely secured by something other than a loose bag of things..

No, racking a round takes much much more time and coordination. Turning a safety off is just a flick of the thumb as you finish drawing from behind your back. Racking takes two hands and you can’t even start aim until after you rack it. When I practice drawing from a holster, left hand lifts up my shirt, right thumb

Don’t let comments from people that’s never touched a gun get to you. Especially considering your use case, a gun carried in condition 3 is just a heavy paperweight. When I have to carry in a bag, it’s with the hammer down, in a separate carrying bag/compartment where the gun can’t move and the trigger can’t be

Loaded, in a duffel bag, no holster, and he still hit the trigger hard enough to discharge. I’m wondering if he also rode a sportbike in shorts and a tank top. Some people, man...

I don’t have a problem with people having safeties, as long as they practice with them. I just prefer being able to draw and fire immediately. Guns are all about personal preference.

Thank you for this. Still won't stop the Gawker meltdown about guns being evil. Accidents happen with any type of tool - and a gun is a tool.

Or just don’t keep one in the tube when it is in your bag (i.e. not being carried for quick draw personal defense) and wait to chamber until you are carrying it on your person and can be responsible for the trigger.

your perspective is a bit flawed if you’re going by the blog of that nerd from the Mother Jones article.

Or take the bullets out of the pistol. Darwin recipient for sure, no caveat here.

Try not to trip while you are up there on that high moral ground. It is a long way down to where us mortal folks live.

If you have a concealed carry, and have it on you, then a holster makes sense. Storing in a bag, with a chambered round is a damned stupid thing to do.

Partly the reason I got an LC9 and S&W Sheld, they both have actual safeties. The other reason was they were comfortable and shot nice in my opinion.

Okay, it was mostly just an fyi. I assumed that Glocks would have a similar setup. Frankly I’m a revolver guy myself, I plead ignorance when it comes to anything semi-auto other than an M&P or a Baretta.

So don’t have a round in the chamber. Especially if its not in a holster. Its not like your gonna get it out of a duffel bag quickly anyways.

I have had fantastic dates taking girls to gun ranges. Perhaps we enjoy different things, if you can wrap your head around that

Pools increase your chance of drowning in your backyard

Keeping a loaded firearm with a round in the chamber in a bag in the car next to you = not a great idea.