I see you have SVT in your name, and so the joke may have escaped you, seeing as how you’re emotionally close to the issue.
Obviously you have never seen highway 231, I-10, I-75, or I-95 around this time of year compared to the rest of the season.
Of course not, but the problem is greatly exacerbated by tourists, from which comes a great amount of income, and so officials are predisposed to be lax on it, which even further exacerbates the problem.
If Florida cracked down on DUIs like it probably should, then there would be practically no tourists.
I suggest you see some of my other posts.
First, you’re confusing things here. You say give “NextEV” a chance to mature, but what do they have to do to mature?
Whoa there Mr. Mustang, you’re not calling the kettle “black”, are you?
That is a general problem for all electric motors, they lose power rapidly at speed, while consuming exponentially more energy to maintain those speeds.
I’m not even certain about this attempt.
And 60-70 years ago, people believed we’d have nuclear powered flying cars sometime in their next decade.
I rather doubt it.
No, he didn’t think you were untrustworthy, and after seeing the wheels and tires, I’m sure he didn’t honestly believe they were “part of his pile”.
Right, but every word comes from the ICCT, or the International Council for Clean Transportation....
There goes that famous lack of comprehension yet again....
Dummy, if you are anywhere inside the actual blast wave, you won’t be around to bitch about the fallout.
You obviously lack comprehension. Now, I’m going to go really s-l-o-w-l-y here, so try to follow.