
After cold-bloodedly murdering someone in front of their wife and children?

If you can not consciously tell the difference, then you can not tell the difference sub-consciously, or unconsciously, either. What you describe is nothing more than a placebo effect.

And yet, all of the EU, with its 28 member nations, don’t have as many vehicle registrations as we do, while having roughly double the population. They have roughly 1/3rd of the actual landmass, and that or less in actual miles of roadways.

All the more reason to not strangle the automakers with regulations now.

You’re right in the fact that Toyota does not rely on large vehicles for their profit. No, they merely rely on using the same, tired old platforms, engines, and transmissions for two decades, putting little into R&D, and demanding a high price for essentially the same thing they sold to you in the last 3-4 vehicle

What you speak amounts to killing the automaker’s cash cow, and/or subsidizing their most unprofitable models.

Actually, what lead to that “malaise era” was the oil crunch, and subsequent fuel efficiency policies. Remember how speedometers didn’t even have numbers above 80 for a long time, and how every single road across all of America couldn’t have a speed limit higher than 55mph?

He forgot to turn on Drift Mode Common Sense Mode.

Considering that was the only thing this article, and the supposed researchers at MIT who created this study focused on, then that was all I touched upon.

Compared to the 20 times higher amount of NOx produced by lightning, and therefore, 20 times the attributable number of deaths (24,000), then yes it is meaningless in comparison.

Of course not, but I doubt anyone expected better of you.

Would you like a photocopy of my SCCA national license?

This, and the fact that she very easily could have lost her life in that attack (and many do), is exactly the reason why I donate my time and the materials to teach a CWL course to women at abuse shelters.

They are shit, just because an entire class used them for cost reasons, doesn’t make them better. By your logic, carburetors are superior to fuel injection because NASCAR refused to use it for so long.

Well first thing, that is a freaking chasm between their lowest estimate, and their highest. The whole premise is based on “Well, we know practically without doubt that the excess emissions were somewhere in between 28kt and 440kt, so we’ll guesstimate that it is 240kt”.

10x that, because apparently to cop who asks you “do you know why I pulled you over?”, telling him “because I let you” isn’t as great of a joke.

Actually it does. Ever circuit raced? Happen to own an SCCA license?

You would say that the faster car on the straights, and not just barely, but significantly faster, on that track with all of its straights, supports your premise?

Why laugh? There are much better, and more appropriate responses to such behavior, such as:

Exactly the point. The set up is so bad on the Corolla, that a FWD car has better cornering. And a shitty solid rear....