Jack Slater 4

I have never seen a picture of Obama in a gun shop with the caption, “Gun salesman of the year.” I’m sure they are out there, but the stores I do business with don’t make sick jokes about guns. Painting with a wide brush like this isn’t going to win the gun debate. A lot of people own guns, and some of us are liberals

Is Iron Man Blue Beetle?

That Alec Baldwin tweet throws me off a bit. I know the original that had “Dying” spelled as “Dieing” was deleted. I can only assume a staffer wrote the second by the copious use of commas.

Some might find it a bit quaint, but it certainly seems appropriate that America’s wang is leading the charge against the ultimate compensation for penile inadequacy.

? If these teachers can hold out just a little longer we’ll reach the tax break tipping point and sickness will be a thing of the past. Regulations are gone, so any time now business will be free from Barack Obama’s corrupting influence. If that doesn’t work, there’s always prayer. Single Prayer Healthcare.

Not to take away from this, but that Target employee seemed to have no idea either what it was that he had done, or the implications of it. He just 100 percent wanted things to be over, so he just agreed with whatever was being said. Much like how many young people are coerced into false statements of guilt



what? i wish it were 2008!

No it was done to get clicks

He was bad to some people, so his artistic output is now null and void.

Jezebel 2018 baby!! Quality is spiraling down the drain on a weekly basis

Ya personally I think it has the potential to be a great film that performs well in box office. Signing multiple A list actors hardly seems like a “real mess”.

“his ninth, somehow”

My compliments on always finding a way to shit on a guy who made his best two movies about a kick-ass female hero. And dont forget Jackie Brown about a black woman hero.

Oh I by no means meant to imply that TCW was a flawless gem. Jar Jar episodes, most of season 1, any of the heavy “filler” episodes...they were all pretty painful. But overall, the story/animation/effects/voicing was far, far superior.

What the hell was that?

So, it’s not just the over the top gags or kid friendly stuff (going well beyond the general family friendly nature of Star Wars) that keeps me from getting into Rebels, this just seems absurd. I’m open to a lot of things, loved The Last Jedi, etc. but really? Time travel for a huge deus ex machina? How is this show

Um,...........how does Palpatine access the portal when his problem was that he couldn’t access the portal?

I can accept that way more than magic time portal because why not just hop on back and stop Palpatine or Bane or literally tell the jedi council everything to stop the rise of the sith? I love sci fi. But not a fan of time travel in Star Wars

That’s really dumb. This was a mistake.