Jack Slater 4

As evidence, you need look no further than Reade’s own Twitter timeline. Before she became a big-time Sanders supporter, she strongly supported Biden, including praising his work towards halting violence towards women.

He absolutely still includes his “Drive-In Totals” before each movie.

He absolutely does.  These marathons are worth the price of Shudder all on their own.

You better believe he does, friend.

Woops, misclicked--meant to be a reply.  Joe Bobb is the light we need right now.

This is a plot summation (and not a very good one), not a review.

I just watched a few reviews of movies from this person and I have a few questions.

Kudos. You had good kernel of an idea which was the better use for a flamethrower line. Take ol’ sparky and use it to torch whatever is left of your contract with Jezebel. This angsty teen “shit on everything ‘cause I’m too cool to give a fuck” schtick was rather played out by the late 90's. At least a real critic’s

They are still uninformed. Anyone who watches that network has no patience for those that don’t repeat the approved talking points. Hence their disdain for Shepherd Smith. He too like Wallace is an actual journalist and had a no tolerance for conservative bullshit.

Counterpoint: if it weren’t for him, Carlson’s fanbase would be just as deluded, but less well informed.  He is trying to go in and honestly speak about the news, which on that channel can only be helpful, because if even a couple of people question the party line after watching him, that’s more than would happen from

I just realized you did this for the attention. It’s never been about the rape, as a swift search of the Internet sees no other association of you, Sean Brody and rape victim mitigation, donation, counseling, etc. Just insincere trolling to hate on a dead Kobe. Let’s be real.

As a black man, I have to swallow plenty of razor blades as a drive by a mountain with three slave and black female rape apologists etched into it, an avowed bigot memorialized with a statue down Peachtree Street, hundreds of monuments to similar monsters, etc while being presided over by a man who admitted to sexual

Go fuck yourself

You are completely tasteless and not even worthy to be a piece of shit :)

Actually sounds dumb as hell to me. And Leia skeptical of Ben being brought back into the light? Nope. No mother would think their son was irredeemable no matter what, unless they were a piece of shit, and Leia’s not a piece of shit.

“It’s dumb that they just brought back Palps after not mentioning him in either of the previous movies. Like we’re supposed to believe that he was like just off-screen the entire time.

OK, this is the second post I’ve seen on this group of websites that says pretty much nothing, and yet talks about SW.  Did a general order go out to the authors to write something - anything - about the new SW movie?

I feel better. I’m losing weight. I’m cooking with more creativity and enthusiasm than I have in years. I feel more energetic. I’m eating healthy whole foods. I’m not craving desserts or extra snacks because the break from sugar and excess fat fills me up for hours. I no longer fear becoming diabetic. When I take

You’re reading your own views into my words, I am not saying both sides are wrong. I am saying the terms of the debate are cloudy.

I’m sure it’s better in the original German.