Jack Slater 4

Yeah? Where are you coming up with that?

They gotta get John Cusack for The Question.

It was said by an actor. Sounds like he was finding his motivation. Don’t confuse his head canon with actual canon.

Yoda didn’t want the Jedi legacy destroyed.

But will they all be on the same cycle by the end of the movie?

Rob, why are you trying to retcon “raped my childhood” into “ruined my childhood?” It’s the same man baby, entitled, fucking dorks that were bitching about the Prequels for years. The same vocal minority, but no longer relegated just to message boards. No one said Lucas ruined their childhood. RAPED is what these

What triangle? You need three people for a triangle.

No. It was a new one. Similar in design to Anakin/Vader’s but with brown or bronze accents.

R.I.P. gray jedi and force trees.

That’s not really what she said though.

I’m really glad you guys learned a new word when J.J. Abrams said Episode 7 was “delightful,” but you can probably retire it now.

Not to mention the world engine did most of the damage.

Cool non story.

I don’t think you know what a pin-up is.

It’s doesn’t sound like today made you feel like there would be no tomorrow, so please keep covering Megyn Kelly today. I knew how to spell it!

Peter Jackson’s Silmarillion please.

Really? Bruce Wayne slinks around a ball or some other ritzy gala in a tux in practically every Batman movie, and you’re mind went to Eyes Wide Shut?

Recruitment is so low they are lifting restrictions on mentally ill applicants.

Sounds like user error.

I don’t know. Marvel has plenty of time to hit their date. They seem to run like a well oiled machine at this point. Always on time, even if the CG could have used a lot more work.