Jack Shaftoe


This isn’t a shocking revelation but it’s sure gonna cause some ruckus. And frankly if I were a shareholder my first question would be "why aren't we spending this money on mobile, where the actual MONEY is?"

“Sony’s arguments are misleading and inauthentic.” Yeah, so? So are Microsoft’s. Why are we acting like anybody in this shitshow is honest and pure of heart?

If they wanted to buy Activision they just... would have tried to buy Activision. Granted $69 billion is a heavier lift for Sony than it is Microsoft, but it’s not like Activision couldn’t sell itself to whoever it wanted.

This HAS to be global sales, since Microsoft has never been able to sell consoles in Japan

Nintendo doesn't sell at a loss. Sony and MS do however. 

Dota 2 isn't every game but there have been a lot of signs that battle passes and the like haven't been working for other games, so this isn't surprising.

I don't think some people realize that listening to that hoarse whiny voice of Chump's is like ground glass at this point. 

Also, most people with Xboxes, including a lot of the people whining about 30fps I bet, are probably playing these games on a TV that doesn’t have a 60fps mode. I will also bet that many of the people complaining about this couldn’t tell you why 4K is a scam if you gave them the proof.

“Inflate” is the wrong word. Odds are pretty good in these states if somebody walks onto the lot to buy a car they’re looking for a hybrid or an EV anyway.

“The people we don't pay and who basically run our site will come back after they're done whining about how we made their unpaid labor harder" is sure optimistic. 

If their target was the merger... well, frankly I disagree, I don’t think Microsoft has made a strong case and the idea of it eating a major third-party publisher and developer improving competition in the market is laughable. But I can see it going either way in court.

It’s not very complicated: Microsoft is a direct competitor of many platforms where ABK games are popular. Owning those games gives it leverage over its competitors. CoD is the most obvious case but yanking, say, all the Blizzard games off of Steam, Epic, etc. would be another example. Now, granted, this would almost

The FTC is sending MS a very loud signal that they think one party or another would hide something in the shuffle if the merger was allowed to go through.

“Midlife crisis" and "peacocking" are all most brands have to sell.

Don't do it! You can spend that money on so many more valuable things! Like 50 copies of X-Force #1!

If they didn’t name the actor and said they used AI to tweak their performance, it’s pretty clearly somebody on the dev team and quite possibly originally a scratch track.

Instead of just sharing the old meme, thanks to SF6's social features, your friends can literally go bonk you on the head and send you to horny jail!

If they treat it as a consumer product it's toast. Nobody is paying used car money for these ski goggles just to play Candy Crush. If they make a case for it as professional gear they have a better shot.

I have a friend who is racking up insane XP studying Japanese (she’s not competitive about it, she’s really into NES roms and flashing and needs better Japanese to ensure she’s doing the best work possible) and while she’s always in the top three, there’s always some absurd dong who has to top her by like three times