Having Leader discourage players from leaning on cost-6 cards to save their asses is a feature, not a bug.
Having Leader discourage players from leaning on cost-6 cards to save their asses is a feature, not a bug.
This is why I have counters for Wong in my regular decks.
Probably they'll cut him to 1 point. Which won't matter since he's only effective if you have good strategy in the first five rounds.
The solution to this is to not lean on 6-cost cards to save your ass.
What I love about this is that it betrays how desperate people are not to acknowledge that their decisions have an emotional impact to the people around them.
“If you don’t like somebody’s views, don’t give them money” seems pretty straightforward to me.
Honestly many games I’ll play up to the finale and bail on because my interest runs out. It doesn’t mean I don’t like ‘em, just means I’m done with them.
Considering the copious pile of evidence that law enforcement officers target people who are visibly “other” to the detriment of public safety (and if you think that's limited to Americans I've got news) and that if you interact with the police as a citizen it’s likely to be during a traffic stop, I’ll leave you to…
Clearly the game treats that as playing the card.
Hobby and Gobby aren’t bugged. Read the card: The other player “takes control.” If they haven’t played anything it’s the first card at that location.
I never snap (I personally don’t give a shit about the mechanic) but I get people retreating on me for dumb shit all the time. One guy bailed because I played Killmonger in Round 5. He was still winning two lanes! It was close! He might have won!
I get why the option to retreat is there: Sometimes the RNG screws you, you know you’re going to lose, so off to the next match. That I don’t mind. But also perhaps... plan a strategy beyond just “LOL WONG WHITE TIGER ODIN LOLOLOLOOOOH SHIT HE KILLED WONG RUNNNNNNN”
It'd be hilarious if Riot's shitty past came back to haunt it.
TBH while it’d be nice if they picked up the pace on card drops and tokens so I could formulate new strategies, I’m well above 1000 and haven’t felt the need to throw money at them. Between daily missions, weekly challenges, and the monthly rankings, I’ve been moving up steadily. I suspect that once you hit Level 50…
Unranked mode is crucial because cube chasers are a huge pain in the ass for people like me, who just want to play the game. If those guys had to actually play a match instead of fleeing every time somebody shattered their foolproof strategy by playing Yondu or Polaris, most of them would bail on the game completely.
I have to write a lot about erectile dysfunction for my side hustle and the psychological effects of untreated ED line up nicely with the observed behavior of his voters. Body dysmorphia, irrational anger, lashing out, etc.
Fun fact: The WWE had to quickly revise a storyline because investors thought he was buying the WWE from it and began dumping stock.
While the lengthy digression about the Postal movie is both unnecessary and self-serving, the Boss Fight Books look at Postal was enlightening, not least in how even a little dose of fame can turn you into a pathetic edgelord.
I’d say the mockery finally sank in but none of those guys understand they’re being mocked.
“Why isn't Sony being NICE" whines a guy who would take any opportunity to fuck over Sony because that's literally his job.