
In John Carroll Lynch’s interview with the A.V. Club, he compared Eastwood’s directoral style to jazz, something IV alludes to in this review—it’s not about doing it perfectly, it’s about the raw energy you can get from everyone trying to work together without quite being sure what’s going to happen. I feel like

You don’t, this is Eastwood’s personal pet project come to life.  His politics overtook his skills in this moment.

i’m being dead serious: no, i did not know that.

You do see your own racism in that comment, right? You are judging her based on her racial characteristics. How about stick to the fact she is a racist piece of shit? You know, judge the character and all.

Sigh. Mel B was the one to call herself Scary Spice. Because she’s Northern and loud. Nothing to do with the fact she’s mixed race (which is what she self identifies as, not black). You USAians just don’t get English piss-taking and humour.

Perhaps one should consider those suffering under the greater evil and ask whether they would have been better served with a seriously flawed but undeniably better option?

Of course there were people who were undecided in the run up to the election. I don’t understand how they go about their lives, but they were out there. And some number of those people on the fence were likely influenced by the documents dumped by WikiLeaks.

Again, how does voting for a third party that is guaranteed not to win help people?

this is deeply ironic coming from the people whose precious hero lost the primary by millions of votes

Right. So let’s just increase their suffering with more evil. Seems to have the trick thus far.

What’s humorous is you ranting about purity tests but then calling everyone else who tells you to politely “fuck off” the tea party 2.0.

You’ve got some Tomi Lahren level hyperbole going but that’s cool we’re just fascists for telling people to vote for the best candidate on the ballot.

Because choosing a third option really helps those people, right?

Here, I won’t patronize you: What you are is insufferable. If you are given two viable choices and you throw your vote away by choosing the nonviable third or making no choice at all, you’re complicit. If you believe in your cause and have a brain in your head, you’ll understand that incremental progress or, God

Fascinating, considering ANY ARTICLE that mentioned Hillary Clinton brings out the trolls (like you) WHO NEVER POST HERE except to shit on Hillary Clinton. It’s almost as if YOU are obsessed with HER. Got a Google alert for “Hillary Clinton” do you, random troll who never posts on Jezebel lecturing a long time Jezebel

You know shit all about my politics. Tulsi Gabbard is a military hawk, genius. I realize that the ONLY qualifications you believe a woman should have is “endorsing Bernie”, but it’s not really a guarantee that they are liberal. Now who is the neo liberal shill? Do your fucking research.

Oh, come on. You know that if she didn’t respond, people would’ve written op-eds being like, “Why hasn’t Hillary responded? Does she endorse sexual harassment?” Everything Hillary Clinton does and does not do is news and has been since at least 1992.

Can we stop with the Clinton shit. She is no longer news. She is not the president. She is not actively destroying our country. She is a flawed person who has made a fair amount of stupid decisions in her life. She has also been attacked relentlessly for her mistakes. And also for everything else she has ever done. It

Mmmmm, sorry but uh, in 2002, you didn’t have an army of angry fan boys harass RT for scores on the internet.

According to the Art of The Last Jedi book, a lot of major beats and ideas actually originate from his outlines: Han getting killed by his Sith lord son, Sith lord son killing Luke’s students, female lead with Force abilities (only named Kira in his version), a stronger focus on spirituality over Jedi/Sith dogma, etc.

Actually, the idea of Luke having cut himself off from the Force and living as a jaded hermit was one of the few ideas they kept from Lucas’ outline of his sequel trilogy.