
“no, it’s an immigration process for men like this, to be able to have a work visa while they work on getting his paperwork in order.”

Well done for having the patience and fortitude to deal with that. We all have to try harder to use facts and reason to make more people think about this.

I had the most interesting discussion with a pro-Trump guy about this today. He’s very much anti-DACA as “immigration reform”

Pro-tip to the fucknuts at ICE: Picking up a 40+ year old white doctor with two decades-old legal dings is not going to make you look any less racist and is definitely not making you look like you’re out there rounding up ‘bad hombres’.

My favorite is the people who make observations about “both sides” and act like they’re above everything.

When you get right down to it, the complaints regarding Luke’s Force projection in the climax are just coming from whiny assholes who are upset that Lucasfilm didn’t adapt their shitty Star Wars fanfic into the new trilogy where Luke cuts thrpugh swaths of cannon fodder with his lightsaber while doing cool backflips.

The Last Jedi can be understood as a metaphor for George Lucas and the prequel trilogy, where: Luke represents Lucas, and Kylo represents all the whining fanboys who blamed him for their disappointed expectations. Horrified at the rejection by his followers, and feeling responsible, Luke/Lucas abandons his great

To be completely fair, everybody involved in this whole thing is a giant obsessive nerd and nobody should care at all what any of them think about anything because they’ve lost any ability to rationally think about anything even remotely related to the object of their obsession. And also that scene was kinda rad so

Aziz Ansari once took me on a date to Applebees. #metoo

I travel a lot to shithole towns and sometimes the only restaurant open past 8 pm is Applebees. It’s not great but I just shrug and go with it. Food that’s bland and warm and consistent coast to coast.

Hilarious how so many people are still butthurt about Sanders DARING to campaign against Queen Bae. They still got the nomination they wanted, and how did that work out for them, again? They’re no better than the Trumpkins who still obsess about Hillary/Obama to avoid having to address what a terrible decision they

Black bloc is actually a tactic, not a group, though it seems people identify black bloc practitioners as a particularly anarchic/property destroying organization. Antifa folks adopt black bloc organization principles but antifa ppl themselves have varying political leanings/analyses that of course trend towards far

No it’s not true. Antifa is not an organization as such. Antifa has people involved that are democratic socialists, communists and yes, anarchist.

From an academic POV:
The first wave was suffragettes, focused on obtaining basic civil rights such as the vote and right to own land. There were also the New Women/flappers, who loved to drink and smoke and wear provocative clothing and makeup and get abortions and birth control and honestly have quite a lot in

Yes, because the two aren’t mutually exclusive. I think the better question would be if you would share your food with said starving child. Second-wavers attacking sex workers or women who choose to dress a certain way are not doing anyone favors or helping correct patriarchy.

...what this says to me is that everyone is some percent each of these. Like I can appreciate some “oh come the fuck on, get over it” in certain circumstances, and I hate being told how to talk and feeling like I’m forced to coddle people, but I also think it’s fine to own choices that some people might consider

I’m not an expert, but I wonder if there’s much consensus after “Second Wave” white, privileged feminism. Though it had its heyday in history, it’s not as though it’s a historical blip that has gone away, as the linked articles above and many comments sections the Internet over demonstrate. I think we’re in the

Briefly, first wave is suffragettes, second wave is Gloria Steinem et al during the 70s, and third-wave is Jezebel.

Whose life was derailed by a murky and anonymous accusation? I know I probably shouldn’t respond to your ass but I really wanna know.

“The majority of women in the workplace are not tender creatures and are largely adept at dealing with all varieties of uncomfortable or hostile situations,” Roiphe wrote in the New York Timesin 2011. “Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or