
You can’t complain about him arguing semantics when you’re the one who begun an argument predicated on arguing about semantics.

The solution for modern “serfdom” is not the same as the solution for legally enforced serfdom, the original meaning of the word. That is Queen’s sole point in this silly fight with you as


Are you seriously comparing someone not wanting their sex tape published without their consent to someone not wanting their history of committing sexual assault being released?

Yes, I know Peter Thiel wasn’t worried about Hogan’s privacy, but its still a very disingenuous comparison to make.

Everyone here has either

Yep, that’s pretty much what I said.

Hey, slightly off-topic, but does anyone have an idea of the time-frame for Google Pixel 2 being sold on Amazon? I know nothing about smartphone markets.

Yeah, but then you wouldn’t be paying homage to the difficulty aspect. If the difficulty aspect is part of the series’ history, and that in particular is what you wanted to pay attention to at the difficulty selection screen, what would be an inclusionary way to do that?

This is a fair opinion.

I feel Force Majeure, as much as I loved it, is an example of how an indie movie with all the requisite “restrained” sensibilities can still end up lacking in subtlety and becoming redundant once its made its point. I liked the way the ending added a last minute complication to its message, but got bored up until

Here, here! I was rolling my eyes so hard back when Kotaku commentators were trying to claim the game wasn’t making any kind of political commentary and that the “so much for the tolerant left” line from the NPCs wasn’t mean to be a reference to current political issues.

Screw that, embrace the message. Embrace the

Yeah I would love to see some attention placed on that game. The premise is really interesting and I’m curious how good it turns out.

Again, whether or not she should have cut him out of her life at that point has nothing to do with whether or not she was assaulted. For that matter, in order for her to have needed to cut him out of her life, you would have to believe he acted inappropriately in the first place...which means you believe her after all

Pro Tip: If a woman who has a boyfriend is entering the shower of her hotel room because she is vomiting, that’s not a sign that she wants sexy time or is able to consent to sexy time.

You can’t claim to be not believing either story if you’re proceeding on an assumption that only comes from his side of the story (i.e. that she was with him for career reasons and that she was toxic/manipulative).

I don’t disagree about toxic people. Again though, it doesn’t have anything to do with judging the truth

The “she/he should have done X” armchair analysis is not a reason to discount anyone’s claim of a sexual assault and is entirely exogenous to the truth of their claim. People have already explained time and time again why people don’t necessarily automatically break things off with an abuser/assaulter and whether or

(Apologies in advance, I didn’t add as much polish to this comment as I normally do):

I’m in a relationship that has lasted for the past few years and probably will last for the rest of my life. I also realize this guy has proven himself to be a “few websites short of full MRA”, as one comment put it. However, I admit

I agree, but I don’t think we even have to take the insecurities angle.

I think they (incorrectly) see it as advocating for a kind of status quo mindset that it really isn’t and they aren’t used to seeing a fictional work that isn’t ostensibly conservative take on aspects of social justice. To me, this really speaks

I’ve been thinking about that particular clip a lot lately. Morty’s speech is a little too well-written and detailed, and too consistent with other non-ironic speeches in the show (see the “retarded” rant from season 1), for me to believe that the final line from Rick is supposed to mean the writers don’t believe any

I largely agree. I think South Park goes in with the goal of treating extremists as qualitatively different from the “moderates” of those sides. I think they’ve always been more interested in critiquing narrative/irrationality than the fundamentals of that group’s ideology or goals.

I think when it is your side being

Agreed, there are days on r/dankmemes where you can go and see a relatively “progressive” slate of memes. However, there is still that “anti-PC” crowd there that colors a lot of its vibe and goes with a more regressive form of nihilism.

He has that “post modernism and the internet has robbed us of meaning” vibe of a dank meme master, minus all the regressive shit.