
I hope they find a Safe Space from the tyranny of Netflix's voluntary, on-demand options.

I would actually argue the media does have a "liberal bias". Besides Fox, who can you really point to with a heavy conservative bias in the TV news arena? Internet-wise, who can you really point to beyond Breitbart, rando right-wing blogs, and again, Fox News?

So as someone who works in a City Manager's Office, I beg anyone listening not subscribe to the running joke of local government being just silly, goofy decisions. It really isn't like Parks and Recreation.

"We've decided we needed to meet white people who have yet to realize their privilege where they are, where they truly live…and it turns out where they are is on-demand streaming services and hip internet publications like the AV Club!"

Surely, this will be what finally reaches White America.

The flash-bulb memory moment of him standing there so happy and proud with his police man lunchbox…that got to me even worse once the narrator said that Jane would play that memory over and over until it became a memory…

I literally had someone on Facebook delete my comment because I expressed disagreement with an opinion piece calling La La Land's success "troubling" and "….tantamount to stating that people of color are too loud, demanding, complicated”. That's the point we've gotten to.

EDIT: (Woops, I see someone down-thread pointed this out. I'll leave this here for the links if anyone's interested)

The larger scale of 4 is what attracted me to it more than the others, but its sounding like 0 might be better for my time limit anyway and I could always delve deeper with 4 later.

Tonight On Jack Raines Answers Interrogative Headlines:

So as someone new to the series I happen to have Yakuza 4, Yakuza 5, and Yakuza 0 in my possession. However, I work long hours and my videogame time is limited.

The up-beat bohemian feel of the city and the characters is what struck me while playing the demo. Walking through the crowds of people reminded me of so many places I've been and reflected everything from South America, to Asia and the Middle East.

I've been calling it the "Daredevil Dilemma". As much as I loved S1 of Daredevil, it suffered from this in a few episodes. S2 made it even worse.

"If you like what you hear, you will believe it. If you dont like what you hear, you will call me a liar or one of those words like "misogynist"."

You do realize the irony in not responding to a person's argument because you see it as beneath you and then suggesting that they are the one who views themselves as morally superior?

"Only an egomaniac thinks their argument on the internet is making the world a better place. It is all pretend"

I don't think that's what it is saying. They're not saying "suck it up or leave" when it comes to trollish/entitled man child behavior, they're just making a point about how the backlash to that results in a loss of nuance as we begin to treat everyone as proxy stand-ins for the various political groups at play…which

I'm having a hard time interpreting this show:

I agree with this wholeheartedly. I feel like the game's systems and design decisions actively contradict each other. None of the various aspects of the game are fleshed out enough to be compelling, nor thematically consistent enough with each other to justify a "whole is greater than the sum of its parts" defense .

"Sure, and that's why you didn't like it, but what of someone who sees the movie and enjoys it, and the things that bother you about it don't bother them? Is their opinion wrong? Did they not really enjoy themselves?"