
I am happy that these cool things are finally happening to cool people that I know of! (Note: and in a non-ironic manner, to boot!)

My comment here is just to note that I never realized that oft-depicted cartoon meme was supposed to be Tyson. Which makes a lot of sense, now that I see the resemblance! Somehow, everyone's fictional universe now has a perfectly rendered sky, including the metaphorical fictional universe of my mind!

Now that you mention it, I always wondered if that was really Nepalese… it sounded a bit like Italian. "Mohan! Nigidaru! Bulianu!" Of course, after than many shots of whiskey I could see myself speaking anything in any accent, so it's pretty true-to-life.

The serial killing industry hasn't been the same since NAFTA, after the Mexicans opened up all those mata-maquiladoras south of the border.

There's also a Coffee County near Bacon County. They are all in the part of Georgia colloquially known as "the part you have to drive to to get to Florida" by us Atlantans (although I had family in the area and we visited quite often in my childhood, which was nowhere near as haunted and surreal as Harry Crews' was.)

She was great in Tristram Shandy.

That adds up to three ordinary men, or six Hitlers!

Not much resale value in a murder house. Especially if it's a Stephen King murder house, which tend to explode at the end of the story for lack of any satisfying denouement.

Those crazy counterculture characters! Always up to some wacky antics with "Andy" and his gang of scamps! It's zany!


I don't know, but that has to be the leeriest leer ever sported by a human. Obviously he was "born that way." Leering, I mean, of course.

I aborted my twin brother. Shhhh! Don't tell anyone! I just didn't want to share birthday gifts, that's all!

C+ is ridiculous. I laughed my ass off at this. It was possibly the funniest TV I have seen since the Simpsons glory days. Obviously I am a small target audience, but I am enjoying it nonetheless. The pig sequence just kept going and going, and against all odds, just kept being funnier and funnier. And I'm OK with

*movie trailer voice* 
She clawed her way back from the trash can… to find the bastard who aborted her! (No, not to find the bastard who knocked her Mom up. Who would blame him?)

Next thing you'll be telling me that Mrs. Doubtfire wasn't a woman. Some things are better left unsaid, Internet.

I got this email and was momentarily charmed into thinking it was spam. Then I realized it wasn't written in offbeat Nigerian English, and I deleted it, sadly.

aren't these guys supposed to be releasing some new material this year? or was this the "new" material?

This just in… team of lawyers deployed to patrol gap between idiot's brain and Internet connection

And people from miles around were miles away!

It's too late! Their village already has access to our grist mill and sluice in perpetuity! OUR SLUICE!!!!!