
Why do Cardinal fans get lumped up in this shit? This fucking twat of a writer spews this garbage and let's go ahead and associate all of the team's fans with it. As a Cards fan, I hate this shit as much as you. Every time a national writer profiles this team, it's an "Aw Shucks" disaster. Just watch the damn

The receipt still leaves five shots unaccounted for. Allegedly!

"Kanye also insists in the interview that Kim and Beyonce get along. "They love each other. They respect each other. [...] When Beyonce is working on her album she has pictures of Kim on the wall because Kim represents powerful women."

My wife is friends with a mutual friend of hers. They all went to school in the NYC area. In the late 50's. I have been at house parties with her friends and have met her personally.

So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.

Is that a No More Wife Beater?

You are missing the avocado toast. WHERE IS THE ARTFUL AVOCADO TOAST?

Originally from Michigan, he strove for an anti-capitalist lifestyle, the pinnacles of which were his militant veganism and leadership in the biking community.
