Jason Rogers

I'm so glad that you were bullied in school.

In America, you don't have to prove that what you said is true. The plaintiff has to prove that what you said is both false and was said with actual malice. If the claim is true, or even if it were false-but-plausible to the speaker at the time it was uttered, there is no liability for libel. Now we can add

Gee, that was so subtle and clever the way you tried to change the subject to whether victims should be "forced." lol! Look, I don't mind engaging with a high school equivalency debater, but at least try, OK?

And you're failing to understand that you are a simpering coward who makes excuses for a cover-up of discrimination. You're pathetic. If everyone had your mindset, we would never make progress in this country. And btw, if the info passed from the Williams Institute to the press, there would be no way to tag any

Dum-dum, I want everyone involved in these alleged discriminatory incidents to be NAMED. I am denouncing the idea that this discrimination is allowed to slide with no accountability. Idiot.

Evan Waters, fearless defender of cowardice!

Yah, that was the point, Einstein.

“An openly gay extra was fired because the lead character felt uncomfortable having him around,” the Institute reports. “In fact, two were fired a week apart for the same reason.”

2 months late in responding to you, but I feel I should clarify. There's nothing in Daryl's character that would preclude his being gay. What I meant was that in the absence of anything we've seen onscreen to suggest that he is, it would seem forced and inauthentic to suddenly have him be gay. Also, I thought there

Jesus, those are some great observations. And the finale of Season 4, when they are herded into those containers, is entitled "A".

You are right, but the bigger problem with the reviewer's statement is that it describes something that didn't happen in the episode. Aaron's attempt to be diplomatic and appeal to Daryl as a fellow outsider doesn't work. Daryl blows off Aaron's arguments and doesn't want to hear any more about it. Their exchange

But T-Dawg's death upset you more, right?

Well, if that's forced then I guess the Rick-Shane-Lori love triangle and "whose baby is it?" arc was forced. And the attempted rape scene at the CDC was forced too. I guess Glenn and Maggie is forced. And Andrea and the Governor. I guess that Sasha and that alcoholic guy whose name I can't remember was forced.

Gay TWD viewer here. I am loving Aaron and I wasn‘t expecting to. There was so much TWD could have gotten wrong here and I was bracing for the worst. A few months ago, there were rumors that the show might make Daryl gay. I thought that this was a really bad idea, as it would have been totally untrue to the