Jack Nichollas

I knew I couldn't be the only one who saw the connection between the two characters. Especially after reading the description in this article.

Requiem For A Dream still makes me so incredibly uncomfortable. And looking back at it, I think Black Swan did too.
Is this something better watched with company than alone?

It sounds like it was likely someone that the Rainbow Serpent cast out.

I wish I had been that bright at 12.

Another Australian film I missed because my local cinemas seems to really hate anything released outside of Hollywood.

I live in the country it was made and didn't even know it existed until this moment. I suppose a "limited release" amounted to 3 cinemas in the whole country.

I didn't even know it was released. I suppose if it isn't AAA hollywood, my local cinema won't even bother showing it. Which means I've missed a few Australian films this year. Which really irritates me.