Bleach Banquet Bingo

As for the image, the site added a GIF over his spacious trousers in the form of a black text box that read: “Image Loading...

Woodward is indeed a reporter by trade, a member of the 4th Estate. And I’d wager a cold, hard nickel that he’s lectured once or twice about ethics in journalism, and the responsibility of the industry to protect sources, inform the public, always speak truth to power, etc.. I think so because, when I was a journo

$10M to influence the I’d Vote for Biden but I Heard His Veep is a Ho crowd seems a little excessive. I guess to some, those are swing voters. But they already sound like Trumpers to me.

This is correct. I work in Philly often, and my mother texted me, after a day of watching Fox News, lamenting how “now we have to worry about idiots running loose in the streets.” It was a political statement that she disguised as concern for my well-being. Sadly, I’ll make the contention that my 77-year-old,

Media needs to do its job and follow him round every corner until he answers. 

Of course he used a dress shirt as an example. Of course he did. 

Makes sense now; thanks for the dose of insight.

He’s from Scranton

Does Ted Cruz not know that Princess Bride was directed by Rob Reiner? 

His wife is undergoing chemo and radiation for Stage III cancer. I’m a survivor. My apartment complex is quite charming, but very old, and requires regular maintenance on things like plumbing and HVAC, so I see him often and will throw him some nuggets of Pennsylvanias’s finest cannabis, to help him through some tough

Also, Matt Gaetz wants you to know that he wins real things. Like the majority of votes from people who seem to enjoy dressing up in American flags, and definitely not like the highest honor bestowed by your peers... ‘specially if those peers are the dreaded and scary Hollywood. He got himself in a dick-out battle

Actually, Olympics badminton? Fucking fun to watch. 

I’ll give you three examples:

My ex grew up both spoiled and unsatisfied by a parent’s love. The similarities in personality with this guy are beyond uncanny.

You got to hand it to them: they don’t just throw shit at the wall, they decorate the fucking room with it.

Kelly backed up the president and Trump joked: “Well, Sarah, that settles it. You’re going to North Korea and taking one for the team! Your husband and kids will miss you, but you’ll be a hero to your country!”

Just think: one improperly chewed KFC drumstick within the next couple of months, and Vice President Applewhite is suddenly your more presentable, less bombastic and very viable candidate. Winner chooses RGB’s replacement. 

Are we just going to ignore it that he has a pair of young boy’s testicles for a primary chin?

“You mates have to understand: saying no to Lord Kitchener is like French kissing a mine drill.” - Breaker Morant

“I truly believe this with every fiber of my being, had they gotten at us...”