Bleach Banquet Bingo

My mother is grandmother to my two mixed-race children. But she’s married to ex-military (stepfather); the guy with the flag pole in the front yard of his townhouse, retired and watching Fox News all day, that guy. Mom just loves a man in uniform, she won’t deny... and that includes every. single. cop.

Yeah, if I ever want to know what’s airing on Fox and Friends that morning, all I have to do is check in on my folks.

Well, fuck. This and CHAZ are sure to be the casual, unsolicited politics-drops of tomorrow morning’s conference call from the dopes who wake up to Fox and Friends every morning.

“Texas is wasted on Texians” - (Billy Bob Thornton as) Davy Crockett - The Alamo (2004) 

You said the words I wanted to. What made my situation worse was that there were 7-8 of us around the table, and the others were taking his word as gospel. Because, well, he was captain of detectives, so he knows things.

The former captain of detectives with the Philly PD said this to me yesterday: if (BLM) gets the changes they want, you’re not going to see any qualified applicants for the positions anymore. Seriously  

But if a black person is busted for some shit like that in a black community, you’ll find blacks coming out of the woodwork defending them, saying they dindu nuffin wrong an they was a good boy

The worst part is, they want you to confront them. Meaning they pose two dangers. 

The War of Northern Aggression, Part Duh

While I personally had wished that Trayvon’s murderer (no need to say his name) would endure a solid beating across his racist face every day, and for the rest of his life, Ms. Fulton winning the seat as Commissioner might serve to suffice, just a little. I wish this woman all the wins, she deserves them.

1. Cops are authoritarian; the long, strong arm of the system.
2. Cops protect their own, and the system protects them.

That’s the problem. That’s the fire.
A few hundred racists in their ranks is the fucking fuel.

Maybe you said Covid and Nature heard Herpes? #staypositive

If I lived in the Arctic, I would not have been able to escape the commercials for this movie the last two weeks. My impression has been that the trailers feature almost no dialog and no singing, so it’s probably pretty bad. Best part is, I finally learned that Tracee is Diana’s daughter. Had a feeling she was

This is the correct take.

Like the dope I am, I just posted the following, when I should have known there’d be a thread on the subject, already:

Yeah, that didn’t explain the whole “If I didn’t have a primary I wouldn’t be here” part of the problem.

Lost Visitor: Excuse me, sir, can you tell me where this road goes?

We can build a museum called Pennsylvania Motherfuckers and have Frank wave to JoePa as he and Jerry lead the boys on to the field. Charge all those fools that worship them and at least get something out of the deal. Clear a spot for Rick Santorum, maybe.

And when I consider all the saving the country I accomplished with 8 weeks of hardcore staying in? Talking park monument here.

Hmm, it’s almost as if the military is only called upon when the systematic racism that underpins white supremacy is threatened! Interesting! Very interesting.