
Jeez. Is Kanye’s ego going to handle being bailed out by his lady?

I love that one of your measures of progressiveness is finding acid (not being sarcastic at all, that is fucking great)

You’ve never been to Texas.

I guess you've never been to Austin...

What is this witchcraft - a kickstarter project that actually finishes!
And here we were constantly being told that all of them are horrific failures and how so many of them that got funded one or two years ago “still aren’t finished”.

I often wonder if all these names and terms weren’t just made up for the Dungeons&Dragons player guide?

Too bad the target audience doesn’t subscribe to cable television.

Yeah, bit of hyperbole.

The Friday night death slot is only such for TV shows that depend on ratings to draw in advertising dollars. E-Sports is incredibly, incredibly niche, not to mention the fact that the financial investment on the part of TBS is minuscule compared to them having to create their own show from the

Of course I am still playing FFXIV. I’m just doing this for work. Work is hard.

You have an definition of the word “wildly”. They changed the game slightly. In the end the game doesn’t change much.

Is this a serious question?

The son that was immaculately conceived, since I never got laid...

Whoa. Rocking the suburban dad cred. You gangsta!

Mi retired senior Snoop.

Well he has real life friends, has gotten laid and doesn’t live in his mom’s basement or have a neckbeard.... so he doesn’t meet the requirments.

Ok, this was actually a great skit.

This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all year.

It’s that nitpicking that’s really turned me off on the Star Wars community over the years. They’ve deified the original movies to the point where literally nothing will ever be considered a worthy successor, as evidenced by some of the insults I’ve had to deal with for daring to say that I really enjoyed the new one.

Oh man, all of the arguments about if Rey is overpowered or not. “But she had no training and Luke did!” “Luke only had, like, five hours of training, so does it really count?” “In the books, Luke trained more!”

Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a giant Xmas gift to geeks because it gave them something massive and new to worship, overly examine, conjecture upon and fight about, which are the things we love most.