
This is pretty much how I feel. I'm at the point (30 hours in, I think) where I probably understand how to play. That's unacceptable. I don't like that I have friend who have 700+ hours in this game and aren't even considered that good. I don't like there they have an insurmountable amount of knowledge of this game

I'm going to watch this tonight to see if it's the one I can introduce to friends. It just feels so wrong for it to be three very long movies.

If they standardized on micro USB that would be fine. Nothing but the 3DS and the Wii U's gamepad uses that port.

What? Why would they do that? What's the point in buying a device you can't charge? Who does that?

Or save and reload. ;)

From the game? I have't played it, but I would suspect none if they're just on the island. Anyways, push to episode 9 and you won't have to worry about any real spoilers if it concerns you that much.

They freaking knew, guys. They knew!

He's a lot older in any of his other story arcs. I wouldn't be surprised if after his all of his flashbacks conclude, he learns how to be human again. That's where I think Stephen's personality is going to shine as the humorous GA we've come to love.

Your references to the show killed me. You think they'll do another double-date again? Slade would be great with Felicity's mom.

Jeeze what I'd give to have that game on the 3DS...

I've used a lot of these and stuck with Dashlane. It does everything I need and looks great.

I still don't understand this whole guilty until proven innocent rubbish with the DMCA.

Yup. I know I've seen QoS, but I don't remember much. I remember a much angry bond, throwing a body in a dumpster and that's about it.

For me, I enjoyed X & Y more so far. I'm around level 40 on OR and it doesn't feel as exciting. The Pokemon are nearly as cool, there isn't as many wow factors (second starters, for one). I mean, I'm leveling a party I've mostly had since the beginning and I don't think it's because I've missed anything interesting. I

I'm usually not very critical of any of this stuff, but the guards? No way. Not in any way practical.

This is hilarious. I was playing last night, going through everything. I think I read somewhere on here that it's worth taking your time. I was enjoying myself but kept thinking, what if I never leave here?

Likewise, sorta, that's the game that made me purchase my 290X. Such a great game.

Shovels != Complex software.

I played a bit of Demon Souls and enjoyed it. IMO, though, you don't need to start with it. In fact, I'd say I'm glad I started with Dark Souls. It just feels a lot more immersive.

Agreed. Early on, there were plenty of captains I thought I killed when in fact, they actually ran away or were totally different captains in general. I just wasn't as familiar with the system, then.