
I read about them a bit recently and apparently, they've changed a great deal. Not that it's definitive, but according to them, they're not the racist group that everyone remembers them as.

I'm glad we could come together on this a year or so after this conversation. I absolutely agree with everything you've said. I'd almost like to be put to sleep for a few hundred years to see how all of this pans out!

Agreed, and I run into that all the time. But as I've gotten a bit older, I've realized it's just because I enjoy the complexity of life more than a video game. When I wished I could parkour in WoW, I realized I should probably just go out and do it IRL.

I work at a small business; small enough to pick and choose our clients based on who we want to work with and who isn't worth out time. So I'm sure this is different for me.

I know this is terribly old, but someone recommended my post and I got to reading through all of this, again.

I got too shitty with it after my internet hiccuped a couple of times... I just couldn't put up with being restarted like that.

I really don't understand why you feel the need to be so hateful.

It's just a value thing. That Mac is going to last years and the PC just won't.

Honestly, if I get an ultrabook, I'm getting a Macbook Air. There's just no comparison. I may have the majority of it dedicated to Windows 8, but it'll be an Air none-the-less.

That's what I keep telling myself. I feel like I'm constantly behind because I don't have all of those things mastered.

Rough day at the office?

I sensed a huge amount of sarcasm.

Not that bad, really. Of course, my Active Sync is still working...

Totally agree with you on all accounts, but I'm speaking specifically of potential. Everything about the Ouya, to me, is where consoles should be. There's decent power - enough to make some nice looking games. It's open, so anybody can develop for it. It runs on a platform that's rock solid...

Honestly, I don't even remember replying that and definitely don't know why I would have said that. Hmm... A mystery this is.

Recently, we've moved to Office 365 so web apps has really been a real contender. So for me, it's much less about Office 2010 (2013, now) and more about Outlook / .Net. And even then, more about troubleshooting and supporting clients. With .Net, I'm very married to Visual Studio and it's deployment features. In

I want the Ouya to succeed so bad... Everything about it feels right.

One of the big reasons I haven't taken all that much to my 3DS is because of the software. It's just not that impressive. Really, there's not much impressive about the 3DS other than the games.

I'm highly disappointed that the smiley face wasn't one of the cases.

I thought the pooling process was just to solve an equation that would eventually produce bitcoins. From reading these posts, it sounds like it's also maintaining the network via P2P, is that right?