
I included the monks originally, but upon rewatching, it struck as too sad for "lulz."

This trailer contains exactly two "lulz."
1. Musk's straight-man reaction to Herzog's insistence that he would go to Mars.
2. The robotism's reaction to Herzog's insistence that "Of course" robots will not make films as great as his.

I was hoping someone would make that clarification. It is too bad he only saw the first episode, because as someone once said, "TV critics review the pilot. Pilots of shows suck."

As a former MoviePass member, please allow me to rain on your parade. A couple years ago, you could see a movie everyday. However, the company realized that people like to see movies on weekends. To combat this trend, they changed the rule to "once every 24 hours." I remember getting an email announcing the change.

I already posted about this on TOS (which is called THE DISSOLVE by the way, [why are we afraid to speak its name?]), but I think it should be shared here as well.

Todd seems almost vindictive in his critiques of Alexis Bledel. That's two articles in a row where her performance has been simply dismissed in the Stray Observations section without any sort of analysis to back it up. And Todd not analyzing something is strange in itself. Almost as strange as calling "seeing Rory

I thought it was a great episode. Margaret's grasping at miraculous straws was not just believable, but pretty likely from a truly Irish Catholic.
Not a big difference, but I'm sure she says, "It's a revolting habit." Somehow "revolting" sounds more old fashioned.
Mrs. Soon-to-be-former Van Alden had the best line of

I thought it was a great episode. Margaret's grasping at miraculous straws was not just believable, but pretty likely from a truly Irish Catholic.
Not a big difference, but I'm sure she says, "It's a revolting habit." Somehow "revolting" sounds more old fashioned.
Mrs. Soon-to-be-former Van Alden had the best lIne o